Good afternoon, everybody. It is the first day of the year, January 1, 2021.
Thank God!
2020 is over, and I’m thinking about my New Year’s resolutions in a little more depth. I decided to take a look at articles on making a keeping New Year’s Resolutions.
I turned to Better Homes and Gardens, believe it or not.
How to Make (and Keep) New Year’s Resolutions for 2021
Here are four expert tips to follow.
By Cheyann Neades December 17, 2020
1: Reflect and Reset
My take: This past year has thrown a lot of trash at us. A lot of that trash can erode and gnaw away at some of our better qualities. I fight certain issues daily. I need to let the bad experiences go. Reset. I need to think about the experiences, certainly, and try to take something positive away. My regular travel from 2019 is a thing of the past as our training model has been changed. There are positives – I have some skills that translate well to the new model. I have other skills I need to work on – I am always a work in progress.
2. Set Micro Goals
My take: Absolutely. So many folks set these huge, unachievable goals and then get down on themselves when they don’t nail them down. I recall decades ago, I took a class on setting SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Agreed Upon, Realistic, and Time-based.
One of my little mantras is “Life is a series of minor victories”. Sometimes my minor victories are silly, but when you want to create good habits, it’s all about that journey from moment to moment.
Today, I’m not going to bite my fingernails. It starts with a moment, a minute, an hour, and then, eventually, that’s a day. A specific goal, obviously measureable and time-based, certainly realistic, and most people would agree that breaking that bad habit would be a good thing.
3. Write Down Your Goals
Many of us have a planner or a journal that we use to keep track of things. I have a planner from a company called Freedom Mastery that I use to keep track of my appointments, but it also has a lot of features for planning and tracking goals.
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4. Go Easy on Yourself
Once again, another weakness of mine. I am very self-critical, and this does nothing to help my self-confidence. I am my worst critic. I let myself down, one way of the other, and I go into a blue funk. Two solutions: Stick to it and don’t let yourself down, and get over it when you do.
Read this short little article. It’s not going to take a lot of time, and the worst thing that can happen is that you’ll lose two and a half minutes while you read it.
I’m setting some goals. Weight, water-consumption (drinking more water, not flooding the neighborhood by leaving the hose on), reading, practice, mindfulness… a few other things.
I may not have as much success as I would like, but I’m going to work at staying focused on the minor victories.
Just getting out of bed on time can be one of those moments.
This is where I’m starting this year. At some point over the course of the year, I’ll break or modify my routine, but right now, I’m making the mental commitment.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.