Every now and then you have to give yourself a bit of a check up from the neck up. Where is your mind? How are you doing with your empathy? What personal factors affect your decision making processes?
I am guilty of some negative thoughts in my life. I’m a bit older and a number of things have changed in my life having to do with inclusion and diversity.
I’m an old white guy that has benefitted from the traditional privilege associated with being an old white guy, formerly a young white guy. I’ve seen people that don’t look like me get treated poorly due to their skin color, their heritage, their faith, their gender identity or sexual orientation.
No more. I’m not going to put up with it. People that bully others in such a fashion are going to have this old asshole to deal with. I will speak up. I will try to handle the situation as maturely as possible.
Keep in mind, one of my beliefs about the way some people treat others is straight up all about what those people want to do with their sex organs. Young guys will viciously assail young gay women because of what they want to do with their penises. They want to have sex with just about anything with a vagina, and finding out they have no chance with a woman due to her orientation drives them up the wall.
They also fear that which they do not understand, which leads to rather inappropriate behavior around people from foreign countries and cultures.
Stop it.
You are being an ass when you mock people from other countries and cultures. Someday you might very well have to work closely with, or better, have to answer to someone from a different country/culture when they become your manager.
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They worked. They earned it. They busted their ass, and worked within the corporate culture to advance the interests of the company.
And they didn’t mock people that were different than them.
Get along. Everybody can make a contribution. Everybody deserves a spot at the table (yes, Biff, that includes the person in accounting who is transitioning their gender).
I still think a lot of the consternation by young white men, and old white men, when it comes to dealing with others centers on sex. A lot of guys don’t know how to set aside those primal instincts and think without bringing their testicles into the process.
Being a good person, a person focused on inclusion and diversity, means you have to check a couple of things at the door.
I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve, and I hope you are treating those around you with all of the respect they deserve.
Peace y’all.