Day 20,399

Another night on the road, another salad for dinner. I shouldn’t make it sound like I’m complaining. Part of the reality that I live with is that I know I need to lose weight. I’ve had some success so far with the keto method (ketogenics – focusing on getting into ketosis so I burn away fat. It’s a low-carb strategy for weight loss). I can’t complain about my results so far. I’ve lost about forty pounds, and I still have a ways to go to get to my goal weight of 250 pounds.

One day at a time, one meal at a time, on decision at a time.

OK, cutting to the chase. I have been a bit remiss the last couple of days getting my blog cranked out. I wasn’t into it, to be honest with you. I’m on a work trip, and I’ve got some things weighing a little heavy on my mind, and I spent more time pondering those issues that writing the blog that I committed to a spell back. I figure I’m up to six hundred words due, and I don’t know that I’ll get that all cranked out in a single sitting.

I have same things I have to get done after I get home. I’ve got a couple of computers to buy for my bookend kids. Bonnie needs a new system for school, as does Dane. Bonnie wants something in a 13″ screen fomat, and Dane’s need. OK. right now I have no idea how my blog looks. I have these two painful menu options standing right in front of the text I’m writing, and I can’t see shit. I may have misspelled a couple of s are a little more aggressive for his computing needs

Ugh. This is not optimal.More on viagra price that in a very later article. cialis 40 mg An active member of the North Carolina arts community, he has donated paintings to many charitable fundraising efforts, including the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Works of Heart (an annual gala fundraiser for the Triangle AIDS Alliance), and the Visual Art Exchange. On the market, the pharmacy online viagra medicine is available as kamagra soft tabs, kamagra jellies and kamagra tablets, the medication allows an individual getting control over the condition. The medication can be obtained through online pharmaceutical companies that offer Kamagra products under your physician’s recommendation. soft tadalafil is the oral medicines for erectile brokenness (or ineptitude as its some of the time called). I am not a guy that likes to spend a lot of time trying to write all of the little detail html code into his blog. I am getting a bit frustrated. I’m going to wrap this up. I’d like to write a little more, but my interface has become a little unmanageable, and I am one that can deal with some minor inconveniences, but this is just a little bit more than what I am willing to deal with at this point of the evening. I am in Las Vegas. I have not spent a nickel on the slot machines or any other sort of gambling. I’d rather play with play money on Facebook than take a chance on losing real money. Alright, that’s enough for now.I’m still going to owe the blog another two hundred and fifty words, so expect another entry of about this length a little later in the week. Peace y’all.

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