Day 20,376

OK, stuck in a hotel room, and I have decided against the very good science fiction series based on the writings of Margaret Atwood in favor of some crap science fiction movie, but I’ll give any science fiction movie a chance.

Maybe even more than one.

Some movies don’t grab me when I first see them, but after watching it a couple of times, I start to notice more depth. “Inception” was like that. “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” was like that, too.

I don’t feel like writing tonight, but I’m into that weird stream of consciousness state where I just start to spew random crap as the words hit my frontal cortex and “Voila!”, they hit the page as a series of really bad attempts at typing, with many unseen backspaces and spell checks.

I’ve got some beef jerky around here somewhere.

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I’ll spend some time tomorrow working on my delivery for Monday, and then work on my expense reports. Year end is right around the corner, and that means all expenses have to be turned in ASAP.

I’ll get it done. I’ve even got a few extra things to get turned in as well. I ate a couple of times at places that don’t take American Express.

Blathering complete.

Peace y’all.

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