Day 20,147

It’s Thursday night in rural Douglas County. Dane has already headed off to bed, and with 9:00 just around the corner, I figure I’m good for maybe another hour, then I’ll head off to a gentle November slumber. 

Sounds like I’m about to hibernate when I put it like that. 

Spent more time in my car today than I originally intended, but that kind of thing happens from time to time. 

Likely spending more time in the car tomorrow. Heading off to Salina for the Generation Axe concert with my brother, Dan. 

That will be a good time. 

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My big decision kind of revolves around the time I choose to head that way. Part of me want to head out real early and maybe grab lunch with an old friend. We’ll wait and see. I don’t have a whole lot else to prevent me from going that route. 

Need to take a look at my wardrobe situation, figure out what I want to wear to the show, and then organize a change of clothes for the ride back home. 

All in all, I’m hoping for a drama free day tomorrow. Live and let live, that sort of thing. 

Until then, I hope there’s a warm bed and some mutually acceptable snuggling. 

Peace y’all. 

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