Thursday night in rural Douglas County on this, the eleventh day of October. Looks like fall is breaking out all over, with the possibility of an overnight temp dropping down to freezing.
Tomorrow night is Senior Night, and the football players, as well as the marching band members, will be recognized. Lisa and I will head over to make sure Dane gets more attention than he would ever be comfortable with.
I’ve got one module remaining in my IIS class tomorrow. Part of me is looking forward to the prep week I’ll get next week, but I know I’ve got that tooth extraction first thing on Monda morning and I just cringe thinking about it. The jury is still out as to whether I should go with an implant or a bridge. That decision will more likely be dictated by the comparative costs.
Here shortly I’ll head off to bed and try to sleep soundly. Sleeping the last night or two has not gone as well as I would like, with the missing crown and jagged socket remnants rubbing against my tongue.
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I’m ready now. I feel like wax fruit. I’m a lump.
Closing the required gap, though.
Peace y’all.