Good evening… well. it’s evening for me. Old fat Grampa Bob here with my daily recap of life in rural Douglas County.
Although tonight, my focus today has been primarily on the cloud services class I’m teaching in Leawood. It seems to be going pretty well. I spend the lion’s share of the evening working on a set of updated notes for my students. Good bunch. I have to confess that I haven’t received a lot of feedback from my remote students. I think they’re doing OK. They’ve haven’t told me about too many problems that have cropped up, so I think things are cool.
After teaching today,I came home, grilled up some pork chops for dinner, and after dinner, put my head down and spent four hours trying to put together some comprehensive notes regarding all of the things we’ve covered this week. If my students were to dwell on those web docs, they’d add another two weeks to the course. It’s really hard to cover all of the minutiae in Azure in five days.
Tomorrow, I’ll take some time and cover some of the workflow automation aspects of Azure, then head for home. I have a three-day class next week… covering some of the finer points of Azure administration.
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I hope the world is treating you better than you deserve.
Peace y’all.