Day 2 of the Endeavor

Creating a habit requires a bit of a commitment, so I’m back and trying to make a habit of writing on a daily basis. I need to think in depth about what the topics I want to address. I’ll be the first to admit, there are any number of things in which I have an interest, but claim no level of expertise beyond that of novice or, perhaps, hobbyist. I enjoy music, games, food, and travel. I have a penchant for fantasy and science fiction stories, and hope one day to be a published author in that genre. My friends and family are my life, and there are moments worth sharing from time to time. And then there’s the professional stuff – Microsoft, Exchange, Lync, Server, and Client operating systems, as well as my experience as a veteran technical trainer.

I need to make time everyday to write something, and this is interesting… if I just do it, I can kick out a 100 plus words in pretty short order. It’s simply a matter of opening up the site and putting things down. Yes, sometimes I will ramble on and make very little sense, or even make a very small contribution, if any at all.

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I’m not doing this to change the world. I’m doing this to change me. Maybe I’m already doing better. One day at a time, right?