It’s Monday night here in rural Douglas County, and I’m here to take a few moments and drop off a little note to the future.
Today I started one of the most interesting and challenging classes of my career. I have a total of twelve students. That in itself isn’t the most challenging part. I’ve had classes with thirty or more. This time, however, I have seven remote students and five on-premise, and that number of remote students is a personal record for me.
That’s a whole bunch of faces I can’t see.
And then there’s the this.
I’ve got these students spread across four time zones, from New Jersey all the way to Los Angeles.
Things seem to be going OK after day one. Granted, there a couple of issues, stuff that I’m used to seeing in this particular class when it comes to the Azure Passes that the students use, and the email accounts student use when they sign up for their trial accounts. More nuisance stuff than anything else, but distractions nonetheless.
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Tomorrow we’ll make up a little time, I think, get into the sort of groove we need to get into for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
It’ll all come together.
I hope.
Peace y’all.