Day 19,946

Not having the best of days, so I’m going to crank this out and head back to bed.

This morning while I was sitting at breakfast, I felt the “slip”. I went from having a pretty normal day to having a painful late morning, afternoon and evening.

Something moved in my back, and I’ve been fighting a pinched nerve most of the day. It restricts my movement, gives me some shooting pain, and generally makes my day a lot less enjoyable than it would normally be.

I sucked it up and got a few things done this morning, went into Kansas City to get my computer, got the car washed, basic things like that, but after I got home, I became a potato.

I’m hoping a good nights sleep will allow things to shift back to the right spots.

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In the meantime, I’ll throw down a couple more ibuprofen and hope for some tolerable seating positions.

(I know they want me to make dinner tonight, but I got to tell you, that isn’t going to happen. I’m going back to bed as soon as I get this written.)

This is the part where I try to find twelve more words to round things out up to two hundred.

Peace y’all.

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