Day 19,797

Hi gang… whoever you might be tonight.

I started writing on a daily basis earlier this year. I came across a twitter feed called ‘Writerology’, and they had what they called a #WriteChain challenge. You pledge to write on a daily basis.

In my case, I thought it would make a good exercise, but I also thought about attainable goals. If I were to make a pledge of writing a thousand words per day, or four pages per day, I know that pledge wouldn’t have lasted a week.

I had to make sure that I could attain my goal, and that I could do it on a daily basis.

I have done pretty well, with a couple of delays, and one incident where I was trying to do my writing on my phone, and let me tell you, trying to write a blog on a phone might be ok for some people, but I’m not going to be that guy.

I’ve found a decent time to write – I write before I go to bed each night, but on occasion, I have chosen to get my pledge fulfilled earlier in the day.
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You should do that with your goals. They need to be attainable. You need to be mindful of them. And after you’ve achieved one goal, you need to set the bar a little higher and keep on pushing.

I might do that after a complete year, maybe pledge to bump up my word count to three hundred words.

Time will tell. Until then…

Peace y’all.

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