Hey kids.
Grampa would really like to be brief tonight, but two hundred words is still two hundred words, so here we go.
Last night I wrote about humility and being humble.
Today I watched an example of lack of humility.
I remember a running back named Barry Sanders. Barry lived by a little mantra of “act like you’ve been there before”. Not a bad philosophy really. Any number of athletes perform some cool act on the field.
Rather than let that moment speak for itself, nope, it becomes time to take it to another level.
ANd they act like they’ve never been there before.
One of the worst is a player I cheer for every week, the Tight End of the Kansas City Chiefs. The guy does any number of great things every week, but he never seems to fail at coming up with some act of stupidity that costs the team fifteen yards.
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Is it that important?
Can’t let the play stand on its own merits?
It’s all sour grapes for me today anyway. My team lost, and I’m grumpy.
I probably ought to drink a glass of water or milk or something else and drag my fat butt to bed.
Peace y’all.