Day 19,711

How are you doing?

I hope things are going well for you.

I have no idea how old any of you are, but I sometimes think about what I would tell myself if I were to go back in time.

Here are a few things I’d probably tell myself, and hopefully I’d take my own advice.

Good grades matter. Do your homework, and put some effort into it.

Read books for pleasure. Television is great, but reading is personal.

Save your money. Tuck away 20% of every paycheck. You’ll want to be a homeowner some day, so saving up for your down payment can’t start too soon.

Don’t stay up too late, especially on a work or school night. Nothing good happens in a bar of club at 2:00 in the morning.

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Learn to play an instrument, and learn to read music. I love the guitar, but I wish I had learned to read with some proficiency.

Play a sport you can play for the rest of your life. Make it a family activity.

Procrastination can become a bad habit. Make a checklist of the things you need to get done daily, weekly, monthly, and stick to it. Don’t put things off.

I’ll probably have a few more tips down the road, and yes, I will probably repeat myself over and over, but that’s OK. the important things are worth repeating.

Go get a book, or go grab your instrument and relax, jam a little bit.

I’ll write more tomorrow.

Peace y’all.