Well, crap. Looks like I forgot to post last night.
I went back and double checked and realized I did tweet a little bit… sometime early in the afternoon, I asked for suggestions about a blog entry, and apparently, I forgot to go back through and check to see if I had any suggestions.
That’s on me.
Some folks have some wonderful topic on the edge of their brain on a regular basis, just letting this wonderful stream of thought trickle out, through their fingers, on through to their keyboard, and voila! There’s a couple hundred words that have magically appeared.
I’m jealous of folks like that. I can spew crap as well as the next guy. Putting together something that is legitimately worth reading is a real talent, and just about the time I think that I have a minuscule amount ability, I have a moment like I’m having tonight, and the words just aren’t there.
Writer’s block?
Lack of direction?
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I don’t know. I’m just a guy trying to live up to a personal commitment that I made to write a couple hundred words a day.
There are plenty of dead horses I could kick, lots of other articles I could quote. In the end, the words are mine and I have to own what I write.
Even if what I write that day sucks.
Oh well.
Peace y’all.