Day 19,623

Man, oh man

Folks were trying to change the subject today!

I have had an ongoing “conversation/argument/d*ck-measuring competition” with some guy from my hometown of Salina, Kansas on social media. We have a bet of one growler of beer regarding the Trump administration, and my side of the bet states that Trump won’t make it through his first term due to either impeachment, resignation, or medical issue.

I think I got a little bit closer to winning that bet today.

(Full disclosure: I have three bets regarding Trump failing to make it through his first term. Two bets are for growlers of beer, one bet is for a 750 ml bottle of whiskey, $35 minimum. The last bet was one that I pushed for because I knew I would win, and this guy deserved a lesson in humility)

It was funny, though. While I was watching the Comey testimony, he was focused on all of the wrong things. He was focused on any comment having to do with the previous administration (Loretta Lynch) while I was a bit “laser-focused” on the misdeeds of the current administration.

And then he went off on some sort of bizarre tangent about international court rulings, Iran, and the sexual preferences of previous Presidents.

Basically, a bizarro amalgamation of word salad that left me wondering if this person accepted the same reality I live in.

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Seriously, it was a trip.

Hang on, folks, this is going to get really insane before it’s all said and done.

What else would you expect from the biggest scandal in US History? Afterall, we don’t do things small in Trump’s America.

We make it epic.

We make it historic.

And we broadcast this shit in prime time. Sweeps week, yo!

Peace, y’all.