Day 19,621

There are some folks that are always going to be a little difficult to reach.

Sometimes it’s due to a difference in culture.

Sometimes it’s due to a difference in age and experience.

Sometimes it’s just because the person you’re endeavoring to communicate with can’t do basic math.

Dear god, I’d hate to see how this stoopfawk balances his checkbook.

I was having a conversation about wind energy in Kansas, and I recalled seeing a statistic from from a couple of years ago that on a good day, Kansans received better than 30% of their electrical needs from wind energy.

I was then challenged to prove that statement.

To be frank, I couldn’t find that exact link, but I did find that in 2013, Kansas wind energy production provided 19.4% of the electrical needs for Kansas.

I then paused and went to pay my electric bill, and lo, Westar energy has some really nice pictures of windmills on their home page.
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And links.

And quotes like this – “Westar is committed to growing renewable energy. In 2017, the equivalent of a third of the energy we supply to homes, farms and businesses will be produced by renewable sources.”

That statement, then led to a breakdown into insults and no further substance from the individual in question, to which I responded with a gif from the comedy “Tropic Thunder”.

I’ll likely engage Simple Jack in the future, and I’ll come poised with links, statistics and other verifiable facts.

Once again, I fully expect yonder stoopfawk to go full retard.

Until then…

Peace, y’all.