Day 19,618

It’s been a long week and a short week all at the same time.

Started off the week with Memorial Day and a trip to go see my folks, then it seems like I spent the rest of the week preparing to take a certification exam, which I got around to today.

Some certification exams are a little bit easier to pass than others. I guess it might come down to the amount of time I spend with a particular product from the Microsoft pantheon. I spend a lot of time working with Office 365, Exchange, and Skype for Business, but certain other areas can be a bit more challenging, and with the cloud-based tools, they sure seem to change awfully fast.

So, I should have another MCSE certification under my belt after this little academic excursion today.

I guess there are some things I should be happy about, professionally speaking.

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Had a celebratory beer afterward. The Luminosity Pale Ale over at Free State Brewing is a nice beverage.

Tomorrow begins a busy weekend. I’m hoping the opportunity will present itself to go see the new “Wonder Woman” movie. Might be a good one to share with my wife and daughters.

In the meantime, I hope you have a pleasant weekend. I’m out… burning up all that anxious energy leaves me weary.

Peace, y’all.