These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
– These Dreams, Heart
I am facsinated by my dreams. I sometimes wonder about the source of such wondrous imaginings.
I’m aware that physicists speculate that there might be an infinite number of parallel universes. If that is the case, then there might be an infinite number of “me” in these parallel dimensions. If there is an infinite number, that means that every possible reality has happened to me in a parallel universe. In one dimension, I have been elected President, and in another, I have won the lottery… and in yet another reality, I have been falsely accused and await execution on death row.
Pretty scary when you think about all of the possibilities.
Last night I had a good, weird dream. It started off on an airplane, and I thought there was an explosion, but the plane stopped, and people slowly levitated and disappeared through the top of the plane in a controlled ascent. I started to as well, but as my arms above me passed through the top of the cabin, whatever it was that I was holding in my hand disappeared, and I returned to my seated position.
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That part of the dream stopped at that point, and I arrived… in Singapore. For some reason, I was booked into a suite at a very fancy hotel, 53rd floor, and the room was ten thousand dollars per night… but apparently, I had some sort of coupon or promotion that garnered me three nights for the price of two. A woman, professionally dressed, approached me about having a drink with her and discussing some industry matter. I deferred. As I left the check in counter, they handed me a bottle of very expensive Japanese whiskey.
That’s about all I recall, but I do look forward to my next dream. Some are absolutely more lucid than the others, and I think my heart medication has “interesting dreams” as a known side effect.
I think that’s pretty cool.
I should research what foods have an effect on dreams, and make sure I plan my evening snacks accordingly.
Peace, y’all.