Category: Uncategorized

Day 20,609

It’s a Sunday night in rural Douglas County, and all is quiet in the neighborhood. No sports today, just a pretty quiet day here at Casa del Bobster. We kept pretty busy with just the basic duties of the day, had the kids come around the house, Dane for lunch, and Gracie for dinner. Tomorrow, …

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Day 20,607

I just noticed that I am on the verge of my one-thousandth blog post. That’s a pretty amazing achievement for me. When I started this almost three years ago, I had no idea how long I would be able to maintain a 200 word-per-day pace, but I’ve done OK. I made the decision to focus …

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Day 20,606

If my may math is right (and it is frequently wrong), this is my 20,606 day of existence outside my mother’s womb. I am 56 years old, and am currently an employee of a great company, the husband of the most wonderful wife a guy could ever hope for, and the father of three kids …

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Day 20,604

Every now and then you have to give yourself a bit of a check up from the neck up. Where is your mind? How are you doing with your empathy? What personal factors affect your decision making processes? I am guilty of some negative thoughts in my life. I’m a bit older and a number …

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Day 20,603

Just another Monday in the books. Tried to just be a happy guy today, enjoying the afterglow of yesterdays sportsball event (“Yay, sports! Move the thing to the other thing!”). Spent most of the day focused on work, took a little time this evening to watch the Kansas Jayhawks take on Texas at Allen Fieldhouse. …

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Day 20,602

It’s Sunday night. Today was Superbowl Sunday. For those of you that never heard of that, there’s a sport in Ameriaa called “Football”, which you do not play with you feet much, but tonight was the championship. My Chiefs were in the championship. And that means tonight, I am currently removing the expression “Long-suffering Chiefs …

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Day 20,601

starting to think that I need to back away from certain social media platforms, or, at a minimum, be much more selective about the topics I choose to post on. Things are getting real dicey, and that is exactly what Putin wants. He wants division, he wants dissention, he wants Americans fighting with Americans. He …

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Day 20,600

It’s the last day of the month of January, and I’m wondering when I’m going to be sent to a re-education camp for my opposition to this administration. I’m not happy. Looks like the GOP is going to give Trump unchecked power by denying any the addition of any corroborating evidence. No additional documents, no …

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Day 20,597

I know, I haven’t been writing much lately. Lots of stuff going on, and I’ve been pretty busy with work stuff, day and night. Reality is, I have some more work I need to get done tonight in support of a presentation I have next week, an internal delivery for the mothership. The impeachment of …

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Day 20,594

A Saturday afternoon, and I figure I owe the world somewhere about six hundred words. For the sake of posterity, here’s a transcript of Adam Schiff’s closing of the Trump impeachment closing. It’s long, but it was pretty darn eloquent, one of the best speeches I’ve heard in a few years. Adam Schiff’s Closing Statement, …

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