Category: Uncategorized

Day 20,928

OK, so I’m doing a reboot on my blog. For a long time, I was trying to fulfill a writing pledge of 200 words every time I cracked the editor open, and I would sometimes hit that wall and struggle to find something to write on. I think this time around, I’m just going to …

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Day 20,927

Good afternoon, everybody. It is the first day of the year, January 1, 2021. Thank God! 2020 is over, and I’m thinking about my New Year’s resolutions in a little more depth. I decided to take a look at articles on making a keeping New Year’s Resolutions. I turned to Better Homes and Gardens, believe …

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Day 20,926

Yeah, I know. It’s been a long time since I updated my blog. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote and updated this thing. The GOP proved to be the epitome of hypocrisy following the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by rushing through the confirmation of a political pawn …

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Day 20,820

Life has been a little bit crazy. Not out of control crazy, not “these four people are now in jail” crazy, just a little crazy, a little bit unpredictable, and a little bit in need of some remediation. I haven’t been writing. I’ve been doing lots of thinking and lots of work related tasks, pursuing …

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Day 20,774

Yeah, it’s been awhile. I would love to lay before you all of the excuses I have conjured as to why I have chosen not to write of late, but the reality is, there are no good excuses. Or as I call them, reasons. I’m depressed. I’m content. I have a tendency in the evenings …

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Day 20,576

It’s been another break in my writing. I’m not quite sure as to the cause and effect, or the end result – a complete lack of motivation to write. It’s a combination of the coronavirus, isolation, distraction with other stuff. I just need to dig a little deeper myself. I’m a happy Chiefs fan anyway. …

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Day 20,747

Yeah, it’s been awhile. In the last couple of years, I’ve been better some days than others, better some months than others, and this past month, I finally hit the bottom. I haven’t written a blog entry in weeks. I could rattle off any number of reasons that come across more like excuses, but the …

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Day 20,720

It’s a Monday night in rural Douglas County, and the night has been breezy and warm. Lisa and I are relaxing in the living room, watching some tv. The show we’re watching Trump’s reactions to civil unrest, and we’re watching this clown make his comments. He’s such a tough guy, a strong man, that has …

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Day 20,719

OK, it’s been about a week since the last time I updated my blog, and the world is changing. I’m about fourteen hundred words behind on the month, so this particular entry is going to be a long, protracted mess as I try to recover my word count and get back to “keeping it real”. …

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Day 20,712

I’m emotionally exhausted. Since my last post, the rioting and protests over the murder of George Floyd have been getting progressively worse, and now we’re getting reports that part of the most aggressive rioters are white supremacists that are trying to make the peaceful protesters look bad, all the while having their own sick version …

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