It is Wednesday, January 13, 2021. This is one week after the Capitol of the United States of America was overrun by a mob, leading to at least 5 deaths directly, once Capitol police officer, and five others. There have been a couple of suicides since the event. On this day, the US House of …
Category: Uncategorized
Jan 12
Day 20,938
It is Tuesday night, KU lost to Oklahoma State in men’s basketball, and I’m sitting here watching an episode of “The Great British Baking Show” and trying to figure out my own brain. Earlier today I came across a tweet from a gentleman named Timothy Snyder. He wrote a series of ten tweets, and I’m …
Jan 11
Day 20,937
I’m 57 years old. The whole point of my nubering system on my posts is for me to keep track of the number of days I have lived, and the number of days I might have ahead of me. The average human being will live about 30,000 days. With that in mind, two-thirds of my …
Jan 10
Day 20,936
Sunday, January 10, 2021. It’s a little after ten at night, and I’m watching the Pittsburg Steelers perform a comedy of errors versus the Cleveland Browns in a playoff game with implications that affect the Kansas City Chiefs – Browns win, they go to Arrowhead to face the Chiefs next week. I probably made a …
Jan 09
Day 20,935
It’s Saturday morning, January 9, 2021. In the last 24 hours, Trump has been banned from multiple social media platforms, and one of the primary platforms for the Trump revolution has had their app pulled from the Google Play store and the Apple store. I’ve got an opinion on that. Bartenders are held to account …
Jan 08
Day 20,934
OK, looks like the issue with my WordPress database has been resolved by the elves working in the background. I tried to get in to write a post last night, but couldn’t. It’s has been a crazy couple of days. This stuff is historic, boys and girls, and there are going to be lots of …
Jan 06
Day 20,932
OK, when I started writing this blog a few years ago, one of my intentions was for this to capture a slice of my life and pass it on to the grandchildren I may one day have – who knows, I might even be a live to meet a few of them. Kids, look up …
Jan 05
Day 20,931
It’s Tuesday night, January 5, 2021. If my grandkids are going back through and reading my blog at some time in the future, this may be an important date. Right now there is a runoff election in the state of Georgia for two senate seats. If the Republicans win one of those two seats. Mitch …
Jan 04
Day 20,930
It’s almost 9:00 PM on a Monday night. I made the decision to join a couple of friends in a dry January, or Dry-nuary – giving up on the booze for the month, see how long I can my will power holds out. I like a cocktail, and I have an appreciation for good whiskey, …
Jan 03
Day 20,929
Almost forgot to write today. That’s kind of the way it goes, you start off with good intentions to change a habit, create a habit, and then all it takes is a single day of going, “Yeah, I’ll get to it later”. and the next thing you know, it’s a little after ten o’clock, and …