Category: Uncategorized

Day 20,576

It’s been another break in my writing. I’m not quite sure as to the cause and effect, or the end result – a complete lack of motivation to write. It’s a combination of the coronavirus, isolation, distraction with other stuff. I just need to dig a little deeper myself. I’m a happy Chiefs fan anyway. …

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Day 20,747

Yeah, it’s been awhile. In the last couple of years, I’ve been better some days than others, better some months than others, and this past month, I finally hit the bottom. I haven’t written a blog entry in weeks. I could rattle off any number of reasons that come across more like excuses, but the …

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Day 20,720

It’s a Monday night in rural Douglas County, and the night has been breezy and warm. Lisa and I are relaxing in the living room, watching some tv. The show we’re watching Trump’s reactions to civil unrest, and we’re watching this clown make his comments. He’s such a tough guy, a strong man, that has …

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Day 20,719

OK, it’s been about a week since the last time I updated my blog, and the world is changing. I’m about fourteen hundred words behind on the month, so this particular entry is going to be a long, protracted mess as I try to recover my word count and get back to “keeping it real”. …

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Day 20,712

I’m emotionally exhausted. Since my last post, the rioting and protests over the murder of George Floyd have been getting progressively worse, and now we’re getting reports that part of the most aggressive rioters are white supremacists that are trying to make the peaceful protesters look bad, all the while having their own sick version …

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Day 20,708

I’m sitting here thinking about how I want to approach tonight’s blog entry, and there’s a commercial on for BBC America featuring snoring, sleeping bunnies. Or wild hares. Whatever they are, it was funny listening to them snore. Tonight I’m thinking about our societal need/fixation on grouping people. It’s an interesting phenomenon. It makes for …

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Day 20,706

As I have written before, some days the words come easier than others. Sometimes that is due to the thoughts rumbling through my cerebral cortex, other times it simply has to do with the events of the day. Right now, I am finishing up the Memorial Day part of my holiday and transitioning to the …

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Day 20,704

It’s a Saturday night in rural Douglas County, and one of my neighbors is really getting in to celebrating the Memorial Day weekend… and the bass is thumping. I had a pretty active day, for the first day of vacation. I spoke with an old, dear friend who has been going through a rough time …

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Day 20,671

It’s been a long day. On delivery days, I tend to get up around 5:30 in the morning. I try to be in my virtual classroom well before the first student arrives, at least an hour before I’m scheduled to start. That gives me a little time to organize my presentations as well as my …

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Day 20,670

It’s a Tuesday night in rural Douglas County. It was a good night for tacos, and might’ve been a good night for taco salad if the restaurant had completely filled my order. That’s a frustration. Oh well, there were leftovers. Tonight I started thinking about the turns my career has taken over the last couple …

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