It is Thursday morning, December 30, 2021. The new year is right around the corner, and I’m keeping one eye on the weather, one eye on the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, and one eye on my wife sitting next to me… she can be kind of sneaky, so I need to be prepared for …
Category: Uncategorized
Dec 29
Day 21,289
Yeah, it’s a Wednesday. This is the 21,289th day of my existence on this realm of existence. It has been a good day. Had a nice poke bowl for lunch, and some barbecue for dinner, with burnt ends and pulled pork. I prefer the hot barbecue sauce. I’ve been thinking about the pandemic a little …
Dec 28
Day 21, 288
Working on creating a habit, once again. I’m resolving to do this regularly, and I must admit, tonight is not one of those nights that I really feel like writing. On occasion, I simply feel like closing the windows, drawing the drapes, and just letting the world go for the evening. Maybe I’ll play a …
Dec 27
Day 21,287
Yeah, I’m back. Time to refocus on writing and getting things down with the remaining days, months, years that I hopefully have remaining. Just to ponder… we have about 30,000 days. Since I have been born, 21,286 days have passed and today is the 21,287th day that I have breathed on this plane of existence. …
Oct 31
Day 21,230
It’s been awhile, literally months since I posted my last blog. Life has been a little weird. Life is good, job is good, kids are as well as can be expected. Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I’ve begun the process of dialing back my social media presence. I’ve come to the …
May 06
Day 21,050
Opening up the day with a little tip of the hat to George Lucas and the Star Wars fans on this day… May the 4th be with you. Back to my Architecture course today. Looking forward to working with this group again. I need to figure out all of these options in WordPress. Some of …
May 04
Day 21,049
It’s Monday morning, and I’ve got a class to teach. I’ll be busy most of the day, but I’ll pause to write a sentence every now and then. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First break update… seems like a pretty cool group. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lunch is over, into labs for the balance of the day. Pretty well-behaved group. Let’s go …
May 02
Day 21,048
It’s a Sunday morning. Lisa and I have already attended church online and had a nice breakfast. I’ve been going through certain tweets and posts on Facebook, and I am once again reassured that the world is full of idiots. The fact that my wife is sitting next to me listening to excerpts from Trevor …
May 01
Day 21,047
It’s a Saturday night, and I forgot to write yesterday, but that’s OK. I guess my focus has shifted from some of the things I used to write about to some new stuff. I have done a decent job resisting the urge to respond to every idiotic post I’ve come across on Facebook the last …
Apr 29
Day 21,045
It’s Thursday, April 29, 2021. I’ve got some allergies acting up, but I’ll live. Good morning. One of the things I do with my blog is reflect and think about what I’m doing right, and where I can stand to make some improvements. There is always room for improvement. I’m pondering making some changes to …