Category: Uncategorized

Day 21,300

It is Sunday morning, January 9, 2022. I made a mistake this morning. My wife gifted me with a Flaviar subscription, for which I am truly grateful. Part of my quarterly shipment is a small, three-vial tasting sampler set. It comes in a cylindrical container with a slip-off top. I had shown that wonderful gift …

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Day 21,299

Today is a Saturday, January 8, 2022. Nobody’s making people into Soylent Green yet. A great performer passed away yesterday, legendary actor Sidney Poitier, and I’ve read several tributes to him. One that particularly grabbed my attention was the reflection by Halle Berry, posting a quote from Mr. Poitier’s book, “Life Beyond Measure”. “A tiny …

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Day 21,298

It is a Friday, January 7, 2022. I don’t have a class today, as just about all of my classes have moved to a four-day format, and today I have a number of meetings to attend, starting with a casual “come as you are” chat with my fellow trainers here in about ten minutes. Coffee …

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Day 21,297

It is January 6, 2022. A year ago today, a sitting president, defeated in his attempt for re-election, organized protestors in an effort to overturn a lawful election. It was not the best moment in the history of this country. No matter what policies his administration implemented that may have had a net positive effect, …

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Day 21,296

It is Wednesday, January 5, 2022, and baby, it’s cold outside. 15 degrees according to my little weather station – I’ve got an Accurite weather station that ties into a weather crowd-sourcing app, (Weather Underground). I’m not expecting a lot of drama today. There will be a lot of discussion in the news about …

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Day 21,295

Good morning! It is Tuesday, January 4, 2022. It is early, but I made that choice… or more likely, my bladder wanted to get up and I decided to go along with it for now. The weight-loss plan I’m on right now cuts carbs and increases water consumption. I have not been properly hydrating for …

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Day 21,294

Today is January 3rd, 2022. Funny… I almost kept adding “twos” to the end of the date. This is the first day of my “renewal”. Generally speaking, January 1st really isn’t the best day to start on a new path and rededicating oneself to goal setting and finding some balance, primarily due to my desire …

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Day 21,293

The end of my holiday break… tomorrow, I’ll get up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to resume my role as a trainer for a really great company, and, no, I don’t write that just because this is my public blog and I might have co-workers or customers read it. I’m a very happy person, professionally speaking. Just …

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Day 21,292

Today is January 1, 2022. It is the first day of the new year, and I’m settling in with some barbeque, little smokies, and later on, there will likely be a Manhattan added to the mix. Snow and sleet have graced us with a small coat of nature’s WD-40 on the roads. We’re going to …

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Day 21,291

Eight thousand, seven hundred, and nine days left if my life is of average length. I’m off to a decent start. Today is my oldest daughter’s 25th birthday, and we’re going to go out to lunch after bit, along with the youngest of my three kids, my son, Dane. I think sushi will be on …

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