Category: Uncategorized

Day 21,330

It is Tuesday, February 8, 2022, or as I call it, “the morning after”. I know that I write about my interests in various sports, and last night was a sportsball kind of night. For the third time in a row, my KU Jayhawks fell to the Texas Longhorns in basketball. It was one of …

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Day 21,329

It is Monday, the first full Monday in February, the 7th, of the year 2022. I’m sitting here drinking my water, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing, and I’ve got a low-carb bagel ready to pop into the toaster. I’ve got an admin course on East Coast time, so I’ll be in my workroom …

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Day 21,328

It is a slow Sunday morning, this 6th day of February, 2022. Lisa and I are watching mixed doubles curling. It’s not the most exciting sport to watch on the face of the planet, but I do appreciate the finesse and strategy. Some serious physics happening on these lanes. The talking heads were on TV …

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Day 21,327

It is a beautiful Saturday morning, the 5th of February, 2022. It’ll be a slower-paced day, with a little basketball this afternoon, and a dinner plan that includes some new cooking tools we have yet yo take out of the box. I’m watching the news, and hearing about the GOP censuring two of their own, …

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Day 21,326

It is Friday (Happy Friday, Everybody!). It is the 4th day of February, 2022, and the folks on the morning news are talking about good news in the January jobs report with 467,000 new jobs. Good news is always welcome, and this news is, apparently, quite a surprise. I wonder if people believe all of …

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Day 21,325

It is Thursday morning, February 3, 2022. I’ve got a big puppy on my legs and two smaller ones off to my left wrestling and snarling at each other in mock battle. What will the day bring? Well, you can pretty much bet that somebody famous will say something reprehensible, and somebody that nobody ever …

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Day 21,324

Good morning, everyone! It is Wednesday, February 2, 2022. It is Groundhog Day, and the folks in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania are on the lookout for Phil… either in the form of a groundhog or in the visage of Bill Murray, who is probably around there somewhere. Watched some sports last night with a degree of trepidation… …

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Day 21,323

It is a Tuesday morning, the first day of February 2022, and there’s some stuff going on. One of the things I meant to do when I started writing this blog was to pass along my point of view on certain events of the day to my grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and any other interested parties. Yesterday …

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Day 21,322

It is Monday, January 31, 2022. The sun is going to come up, and I’m going to teach a cloud security course for a relatively small number of attendees, but that’s OK. It doesn’t really matter to me how many show up, the more the merrier, but so long as I have at least one, …

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Day 21,321

It is Sunday, January 30, 2022, and I am in a pretty good place right now. I stepped on the scale this morning and I’ve dropped 15 pounds for the month of January. The trip isn’t over, likely never will be, but this month has been generally positive. I got on my meal plan, stuck …

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