Good morning, friends! It is Wednesday, April 13, 2022. Last night we had some severe weather blow through Douglas County, but we seem none the worse for the experience, although the sun has yet to rise, so even if there is some blown trash lying about the yard, I haven’t seen it yet. The storms …
Category: Uncategorized
Apr 12
Day 21,393
Good morning, folks! It is Tuesday here in rural Douglas County, April 12, and I’m watching the news. This also means I’m watching commercials, like watching Mike Huckabee selling vegan sleeping pills, not approved by the FDA because apparently, his MyPillow has stopped working, Yeah, I know, I’m a smartass. I’m getting into the second …
Apr 11
Day 21,392
Good morning, all! It is Monday morning, April 11, 2022. I’ve got a cloud administration class starting here in a couple of hours, so I’m getting out ahead of the day a little bit, writing my blog entry so I know that I’ve accomplished something other than talking all day today. My oldest daughter just …
Apr 10
Day 21,391
It is Sunday, April 10. Lisa and I have already watched Mass coming out of the Catholic Archdiocese out of Denver – we used to watch the local broadcast from our regular parish, but making the switch the Denver broadcast has made our Sunday “required viewing” a little bit easier to deal with. Right now …
Apr 09
Day 21,390
Good evening! Sorry for the late post! It is Saturday night, around 9:45 pm my local time on this, the 9th day of April 2022. We’ve had a somewhat productive day around here. I got some raking done out front, a little bit of mowing, and I drove around the property on the mower and …
Apr 08
Day 21,389
It is Friday, April 8, and the end of the workweek is nigh. I’m going to pose in my early afternoon to crank out this post, then, once again, go tend to my rat killin’. Went to lunch in town today, and grabbed the fish and chips over at one of my old hangouts, 23rd …
Apr 07
Day 21,388
It is Thursday, April 7… and it is my youngest brother’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Dan! I did everything in my power to get the Kansas Jayhawks to win a national championship for his birthday, so there’s that. Today has been a day of prep work for next week’s class, as well as a little advance …
Apr 06
Day 21,387
It is Wednesday, and I’m pausing from my workday, on this, the 6th of April. Time to get these words cranked out so I can go back to digging a little deeper into some new software than I’ll be using in my deliveries. I’ve got to take time to sharpen the sword, sharpen my axe, …
Apr 05
Day 21,386
OK, later in the day post once again. It is Tuesday, April 5, and I was up a little late last night. Kansas drew first blood, going out to an early lead, but North Carolina took over the first half and went into the locker room with a 15 point lead over the Jayhawks. Kansas …
Apr 04
Day 21,385
Monday, Monday, Monday…it is the 4th day of April, and I’m taking a short respite from reading about Kubernetes and Design Principles to crank out this entry. Life is pretty high strung in Lawrence today. Tension and excitement in anticipation of the basketball game tonight… Kansas and North Carolina square off for the national championship …