Category: Uncategorized

February the 4th Blog Entry

Nice generic title, dontcha think? “Blog Entry”… about as vacuous a title as any wannabe blogger could ever come up with. I’m here in my classroom thinking about the day ahead of me, shortly after 8:00 AM. Yesterday we finished the day with a lab, but I didn’t really give folks adequae time to complete …

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Day 2 of the Endeavor

Creating a habit requires a bit of a commitment, so I’m back and trying to make a habit of writing on a daily basis. I need to think in depth about what the topics I want to address. I’ll be the first to admit, there are any number of things in which I have an …

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Too long away, and a resolution.

I do some things better than others. Unfortunately, one of the things I’m very good it is procrastination, which, in reality, is not good, but bad. I need to get my act together  and create some new habits. I’m going to try to write something everyday. Here’s the thing, though. I already write everyday. I …

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Off to TechEd 2014

10:34 here in Lawrence. Organizing clothes, shaving gear and the myriad gadget chargers for my annual foray into the world of the Microsoft Geekosphere, TechEd. This year we head down to Houston, and partake of craft beers and barbecue – I’ll let you know how it compares to the gold standard here in the Kansas …

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Things Undone

Every now and then my mind wanders to a really dark place, and in that place we all find the list… the list of things we wish we had done. Therein we find the list of apologies that we never got around to, the list of letters we wish we had written. We’ll read the …

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The Career Trainer (update)

This past April, I recertified as a Microsoft Certified Trainer.  I first became an MCT in August of 2015,  which means at the end of this current cycle, I’ll be approaching 20 years. In the recent past, I came across an old friend at a Microsoft trade show, and she told me that she thinks …

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Getting Back on Track

Recently I read a “challenge” for writing from an author I started to follow. The challenge is pretty simple – write at least 100 words per day on one’s blog, so I’m give it a shot. Stop and think about it for a second – 100 words really isn’t that much. It’s merely a matter …

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Waiting on the Books

As a “bookish” sort of person, I am today a bit frustrated at the lack of non-Microsoft reference materials on two of my areas, Exchange 2013 and Lync 2013. I did check Amazon to see when titles will be available, but it looks like my wait will be protracted for a few more months until …

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