Category: Uncategorized

Day 19,571

I am a lucky, blessed man. Any number of my friends and professional acquaintances would likely be jealous of me for a simple reason. My dad is still around, 76 years old, and he’s my hero. He’s not without his flaws, and he’d be the first to admit to that, which is one of the …

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Day 19,570

I am envious of beautiful lawns. Some folks have those lush, spectacular lawns that look like deep, dark green shag carpeting. The kind of lawn that screams, “Hey… come over… take your shoes off… let me reach deep between your toes and massage that toe gap… yeah, baby… you know you want to monkey foot the …

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Day 19,569

It almost happened. I forgot to write my 200, and it almost slipped my mind. There’s plenty going on to write about. I’ve been thinking about the Louise Mensch and Adam Khan, and their small format journalistic masterpieces exposing the truth behind this joke of a Presidential administration. I’ve been thinking about the lack of verbal …

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Day 19,568

It’s a calm Thursday morning. I fully engaged the opportunity to get back into my routine this morning with two eggs, two pieces of bacon, two pieces of sausage, and a nice surprise with a couple of pieces of toast that were unexpected (normally, the meat lover’s breakfast at Price Chopper doesn’t include the toast, …

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Day 19,567

Yesterday I wrote about how I was having a good day, all the stars aligned, nothing but unicorns farting sunshine and rainbows. I gotta remember that the pendulum swings back the other way, and some she does that with an attitude problem. Really, the only thing got to my today was a traffic issue on …

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Day 19,566

This is turning out to be a pretty nice day here in Kansas, and it could turn out to be a great day depending on what happens on a couple of different fronts. There’s an election in Kansas today, and there are a couple of items that I’m going to get out and cast my …

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Day 19,565

Lots of good things going on today. I’m back teaching Office 365 this week, which is one of my favorite classes to teach. I ought to be in good shape so long as that moving target isn’t moving too erratically. I also have a couple of familiar faces in the classroom this week (one of …

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Day 19,564

I had a pretty good day yesterday, and I have friends, my son, and my spouse to thank for it. I am a 53-year-old man, but there are still a number of interests I hang on to that are strong ties to my youth. When I was in high school, in the late 70’s, I …

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Day 19,563

Did my necessaries this morning, swapping out my fb profile picture for that of a happy donkey, and expressed my gratitude for the safe return of my wife from her business sojourn to the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes. In about an hour, my son and I get to head west to the Kansas state capitol …

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Day 19,562

Trying to change one’s habits can be challenging. Part of the trick, in my opinion, is to focus on making those changes first thing in the morning. It’s a bit of that “Eat That Frog” philosophy that you can read about in Brian Tracy’s book of the same name. For most of my adult life, …

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