Category: Uncategorized

Day 19,681

I’m kind of weird when it comes to social interaction. Sometimes I’m on, sometimes I’m so on that I’m over the top on, and a lot of the time I just want to crawl in a corner and get away from people. Sound like anybody you know? I heard a term some time ago, “ambivert”. …

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Day 19,680

I have a temper. I do my best to manage it, but sometimes I don’t manage it as well as I probably could, and should. I don’t like myself very much when I lose it. I get a little loud, I get a little defensive, I get a lot of things that I don’t like about myself. …

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Day 19,679

Today my youngest daughter discovered “Game of Thrones”. Lord, have mercy on the girl. I’ve read the books, and like millions of other fans, I hope he can complete the tale before he passes from this mortal existence. What George R.R. Martin has done in creating this series is nothing short of amazing. In my …

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Day 19,678

Having some thoughts about the nature of reality. There is a difference between reality and an individual’s perception of reality. We all look at the world through our own filters. You can have two people both involved in a situation, the same time, the same place, maybe on opposite ends of a conflict, and you …

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Day 19,677

Somedays you have a hard time, struggling to come up with a decent idea for a blog entry. Today was a bit of the opposite. (And my youngest daughter just popped into the office to chat, and I lost complete track of what I was going to blog about) I thought about a blog entry …

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Day 19,676

I was thinking earlier today about the way certain people describe situations, people, events, and how they add adjectives. I was thinking how odd it is that one prominent person in the US government uses superlatives as descriptors at every opportunity. Things in his mind’s eye are always the best or the worst or something …

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Day 19.675

My wrist still hurts, and I really don’t feel like writing, but write I must. And for good reason. My mom shared a little something with me today. She’s been keeping a journal, too. Earliest entries from 23 years ago. Memories important enough that she took the time to write them down. Memories that she …

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Day 19,674

OK, a bit of a recap. The runners people put down as decorative floor coverings can kill a human being. I got lucky today, only catching my rear foot while I was stepping over it, and proceeding to kiss my chin off an appliance. Tried to catch myself on the way down. Now I have …

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Day 19,673

I have pledged to write two hundred words as part of my #WriteChain pledge. Two. Hundred. Words. I suppose I could phone it in and call that “technically” good. I’m just not into it tonight. I could end up writing two hundred words about my lack of ambition and motivation. I don’t think Reince Priebus …

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Day 19,672

Summer school is winding down here at the house. Lisa is done grading her finals, and tomorrow Bonnie and Gracie close out their classes for the summer. I know they will all be happy for the short break between summer and fall semesters. I’ve got one more day in class, doing labs with my one …

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