Hey, grandchildren and other unknown descendants, Grampa Bob here. Well, let me tell you, your Gramma Lisa and I might be living in one of the most dangerous and ridiculous times in US History. (This is the part where I imagine having some young person in front of me interviewing me for some 6th grade …
Category: Uncategorized
Aug 14
Day 19,690
I deal with guilt. I guess it’s part of the human condition. I am a sinner, I make mistakes, and I’ve done things and said things that have hurt people that I care about. Step one is recognizing the issue, right? I thought I had a funny idea. I came up with a domain name …
Aug 13
Day 19,689
I’ve been a bad boy. It’s been a good weekend around Casa del Bobster. Had an open house, might generate a legit offer or two, and I got a few things done. One of things I did was share a few jokes, and make up a few new ones for the internet population that follow me …
Aug 12
Day 19,688
OK. So, we’re a little more than 7 months into Donnie Two Scoops administration. In regard to North Korea, we are threatening nuclear war, which could lead to thousands, tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of Korean lives. Don’t sweat it, America. There’s really no chance that a Korean ICBM is going to reach the …
Aug 11
Day 19,687
I’m weird. I’m picky. Tonight I’m writing my blog on what has to be my least favorite keyboard in the wide world of keyboards that I call Casa Del Bobster. The ASUS Transformer fills an interesting niche in my house. I primarily use it as a Kindle replacement, and the occasional computer game, and I …
Aug 10
Day 19,686
OK, time for the Bobster to organize a thought for the day. Tonight I went to go see my son’s high school marching band demonstrate what they’ve been learning during their marching band camp. I hope he has a lot of fun and learning experiences this junior year of high school. At one point, a …
Aug 09
Day 19,685
There are some really great songs from the 80’s. Several of them were written by a guy named Billy Squire. I reflect tonight on “The Stroke”. This song is all about living and feeding on that which out egos require. Tell me how good I am, tell me how great I am, tell me how …
Aug 08
Day 19,684
I believe everybody has something about them that makes them exceptional. We are all for the most part mundane beings. We have more in common with each other than we have different. Just about all of us have 5 functioning senses. Even in the cases where a person through one thing or another has lost …
Aug 07
Day 19,683
Had something pop up on my timeline on Facebook today ( I sometimes refer to it as my wasteline, as the only thing it’s good for most of the time is wasting time). The original poster was someone named Anna Grace Taylor, but I have no idea if this person is the true originator of this …
Aug 06
Day 19, 682
Can’t stay up too late, I have to get up early in the morning and get ready to teach Exchange 2016 for five days this week. Exchange is one of my old, reliables. I’ve been teaching Microsoft messaging systems since the Microsoft Mail 3.2 days. I enjoy it, and I am very comfortable with the …