Category: Uncategorized

Day 19,752

Hey kids… old fat Grampa Bob trying to be less of a reprehensible human today than what I was yesterday. In your lives, you are going to come across and interact with a lot of people, unless of course, you choose to hide in your basement away from anything remotely involving social interaction. If you …

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Day 19,751

Hey kids. Grampa would really like to be brief tonight, but two hundred words is still two hundred words, so here we go. Last night I wrote about humility and being humble. Today I watched an example of lack of humility. I remember a running back named Barry Sanders. Barry lived by a little mantra …

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Day 19,750

OK, so it’s fat, old Grampa Bob trying to lay down a little bit of something to thnk about. How about we address the idea of humility? A popular song on the radio (yes, we still have radio in 2017) is a song by Tim McGraw called “Humble and Kind”. You should look it up and …

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Day 19,749

Hey kids, it’s Friday night and the end of another work week. Grampa Bob was teaching people how to get some things done in the Microsoft Office 365 environment, and things went pretty well for the most part, with an occasional issue directly related to the “moving target” characteristics of a service that changes at …

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Day 19,748

Hey, future grandkids, what’s shakin’? Sometimes you are going to deal with situations that are really out of your control, for one reason or another, things are not going to go in the direction you would prefer. This week I’m teaching a class that is centered on services being provided by a different organization. An organization …

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Day 19,747

OK. It’s a Wednesday night, and I’m trying to think of something worth chatting about with my future grandkids… and believe it or not, I’ve been doing a little thinking, a little pondering, and little cerebral ping pong. Let me ask you this… what did you guys do today to try and make yourself a …

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Day 19,746

Hi, kids. Today, I’m going to jump right on in, and come clean early in this little blog post. I’m tired. When I have prep weeks, I don’t have to worry too much about getting up early and driving an hour to work to embrace the day. I get to sleep in a little more, …

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Day 19,745

Monday’s can be a bit of a bummer. Heaven knows mine could have gone a little better, but let’s not dwell on the negatives tonight, shall we? What do you guys think about comfort food? There are certain dishes that people seem to embrace, give them a warm feeling, possibly reminding folks of safe harbors, …

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Day 19,744

Today was a good day to think about future grandkids. That means we were talking and thinking about you. Today we made a family trip to Clay Center. We went to my mom and dad’s place and weren’t there very long when my mom’s sisters and their husbands joined them for an afternoon get-together. It was …

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Day 19,743

Greetings to any future grandchildren of mine. It is October 7, 2017. Today, our local university football team was pretty much stomped by another team in the same conference. We’ve become rather accustomed to that over the time we’ve lived here in Lawrence. Kansas football isn’t very good. I sometimes think we drop an entire …

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