Category: Uncategorized

Day 19,772

It’s a Sunday night here in the year 2017, with some promise of finding a new home. Went and looked at a couple of places today. Some things I like, other things, not so much. The main thing to me, and I swear this is the truth, is that we find a place my wife …

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Day 19,771

OK, time for me to slap some words on a page and see if they’re worth reading later. TIme will tell. Tonight, some of us went to the Lawrence Arts Center to see Andy McKee live in concert. Wow. Fantastic show. I hope your lives are filled with good music. I think it can make …

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Day 19,770

Hey guys, old fat Grampa Bob here, waiting for one young man to return from his Friday night extracurricular activities. It’s been a long week here at Casa del Bobster. We had a house inspection today, wife had a busy week on her side of the life, and I had to teach a class that …

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Day 19,769

It’s a Thursday night in November… 11/2/2017. We’re chilling here at Casa del Bobster, munching on some malted milk balls. Yeah, they’re probably bad for me, but sometimes I just don’t care. Sugar. Yum. So, when you go back and chat with your teachers about what happened this day in history. Today, Carter Page ad …

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Day 19,768

Hey kids, and, of course, any adults that happen to be reading my drivel. OK… that’s called self-deprecating humor. Basically, you’re putting yourself down. A lot of people do it, and many do it so that whoever they are around come back with positive statements, or semi-positive statements like “Oh, don’t be so hard on …

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Day 19,767

It’s Halloween night! We’re out of candy! Gramma is asleep in a recliner with Lucy and Freya sleeping with her. I’m watching a show I like “Forged in Fire”… a knife/weapon-making competition. I’ve had a good day. Class went pretty well, and all of my students seem to be doing ok. I’m a bit tired. …

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Day 19,766

Hey guys, just doing a little writing on a Monday night, Chiefs are hosting the Broncos on Monday Night Football, and the Chiefs are up 29-13 in the fourth quarter. I’m thinking the Chiefs look good to win tonight. My wife is back from her little excursion to Washington, DC. I joked and asked her …

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Day 19,765

Another Sunday evening, and I obviously have a little writing to do. Hi future family members. I’ve been getting ready for my class today, and I really haven’t spent a lot of time doing anything that falls into the “fun” category. I’m a technical trainer by profession. I guess I fall somewhere between a high school teacher …

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Day 19,764

Hey, gang, I’m back. Writing and eating some breakfast cereal at 10:00 at night to try and bump up my blood sugar level so my body overreacts and puts me to sleep here in another half an hour… unless gramma wants to keep me up a little longer, and that’s another story for another time …

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Day 19,763

OK, time to invoke my 12-hour waiver. I was up late last night, waiting on kids to get home, did some driving, and it was after midnight before I hit the hay, so this is my makeup blog post. What’s happening in the world today Well, at least two indictments (sealed) have come down from the …

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