OK, I’m flat out letting you know that I am phoning this one in, another stream of thought attempt at getting two hundred words in because this fat old man is tired. Watched KU open their season tonight, running Tennessee State off the court. Enjoyable, expected, but nothing really to write home about, or write …
Category: Uncategorized
Nov 09
Day 19,776
Another night, another episode of blogger’s block. My class is going pretty well this week, I really can’t complain about things on that front. If any of you reading this are Dane’s kids, take this opportunity to bug him about not raking up the leaves in the yard. Gracie is a wizard in the kitchen, …
Nov 08
Day 19,775
Wednesday night, relaxing after a long day. Hope your day has gone well. I was thinking the other day about the types of jobs that don’t exist today but will likely exist in the future. I was rather taken with the idea of a food designer, someone who works with different food textures and flavors …
Nov 07
Day 19,774
Hey, I’m back. Thought about breaking into song, but nobody needs that. It’s an election night and looks like some things are breaking in a decidedly anti-Trump direction. Like D sweeps in a lot of major races. Trump is off in Korea, embarrassing the US on a worldwide stage. I can’t wait for the big indictments …
Nov 06
Day 19,773
It’s a Monday. As you may have discovered, some Mondays are more Monday-ish than others. Mine was OK. The real “Monday” didn’t hit ’til I got home. This whole process of trying to sell a house is a pain the ass. Inspections and finger-pointing. We’re on our second contract with the house, and I have …
Nov 05
Day 19,772
It’s a Sunday night here in the year 2017, with some promise of finding a new home. Went and looked at a couple of places today. Some things I like, other things, not so much. The main thing to me, and I swear this is the truth, is that we find a place my wife …
Nov 04
Day 19,771
OK, time for me to slap some words on a page and see if they’re worth reading later. TIme will tell. Tonight, some of us went to the Lawrence Arts Center to see Andy McKee live in concert. Wow. Fantastic show. I hope your lives are filled with good music. I think it can make …
Nov 03
Day 19,770
Hey guys, old fat Grampa Bob here, waiting for one young man to return from his Friday night extracurricular activities. It’s been a long week here at Casa del Bobster. We had a house inspection today, wife had a busy week on her side of the life, and I had to teach a class that …
Nov 02
Day 19,769
It’s a Thursday night in November… 11/2/2017. We’re chilling here at Casa del Bobster, munching on some malted milk balls. Yeah, they’re probably bad for me, but sometimes I just don’t care. Sugar. Yum. So, when you go back and chat with your teachers about what happened this day in history. Today, Carter Page ad …
Nov 01
Day 19,768
Hey kids, and, of course, any adults that happen to be reading my drivel. OK… that’s called self-deprecating humor. Basically, you’re putting yourself down. A lot of people do it, and many do it so that whoever they are around come back with positive statements, or semi-positive statements like “Oh, don’t be so hard on …