Hi gang… whoever you might be tonight. I started writing on a daily basis earlier this year. I came across a twitter feed called ‘Writerology’, and they had what they called a #WriteChain challenge. You pledge to write on a daily basis. In my case, I thought it would make a good exercise, but I …
Category: Uncategorized
Nov 29
Day 19,796
I spent a little time today reading about blogs, and ideas for blog entries, and on the first page, I came across a quote by Anais Nin. I can’t recall the specific quote, but I came across one that I thought was rather relevant – “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as …
Nov 28
Day 19,795
OK. Today I stopped and thought about a lot of things, and also found a way to get some of the things I had to get done in support of our prospective move. We have the new roof going on the house in the next couple of days. I need to spend a little more …
Nov 27
Day 19,794
So, what shall we talk about today? The idiot in the White House recognized a couple of World War II Navajo Code Talkers today, and somehow in his feeble little mind, came to the conclusion that using a racial slur was a good idea. Please, I hope this international nightmare that is the Trump administration …
Nov 26
Day 19,793
OK… let me think. What kind of message do I want to leave to my future grandkids today. Don’t get too hung up on being a sports fan. Your team will eventually let you down. I’m a bit grumpy. In professional football, the team I adore, the Kansas City Chiefs, started off the season 5-0. …
Nov 25
Day 19,792
Let me take quick little inventory of time and place. According to my calendar, it’s November 25, 2017, the first Saturday after Thanksgiving, and I’m writing a little note to my future grandchildren about the state of the day. KU finished their football season today, getting crushed by Oklahoma State on the road by a …
Nov 24
Day 19,791
OK… it’s the day after Thanksgiving. Here at Casa del Bobster, we typically have our own Thanksgiving the day after the Thanksgiving gathering in Clay Center for any number of reasons, the primary reason being that we like to have our own batch of leftovers to rummage through after the holiday. If there is one …
Nov 23
Day 19,790
Greetings to any and all that decided to inflict my blog entry upon themselves today. It is Thanksgiving, the 54th Thanksgiving I have enjoyed on this planet. It was an experience. I worry about some things, like the health of my dad. It’s hard to see some of his physical struggles. The man is 75 …
Nov 22
Day 19,789
It’s been a day. Crazy day. Looks like Gramma and I are buying a house. Crazy, exciting change that will affect my three kids directly, might influence the next generation as well when they come to visit Grampa Bob and Gramma Lisa at their new digs. I look forward to welcoming our friends into our new …
Nov 21
Day 19,788
Hello, future! Eh. That sounds a little weird. I don’t think I’ll use that opening anymore. Greetings from the past, future descendants! Boy… that sounds a little stuffy. Nevertheless, here we are. Paperwork signed and filed. Now the back and forth begins until we settle on a price and a closing date. As of today, …