Category: Uncategorized

Day 19,832

Another day has passed, and I’m sitting here with Freya ( I hope you have a Freya in your life, too), while I take a few minutes and recap the day. I don’t know what type of transportation system y’all will have to deal with at the time you’re reading my notes, but here’s my speculation. Most of …

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Day 91,831

Hey, my descendants! What’s shakin’? It is the third day of the year 2018. I had a productive day. Spend the morning getting your relative’s car (uncle? father? grandfather?) to the shop to get the oil changed on it. After that, we addressed some of the issues of the day, including a visit to the …

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Day 19,830

Hi future grandkids, it’s old fat Grampa Bob here. Did quite a bit of running around today, making changes here and there in anticipation of the pending family move in a scant few weeks. We’re packing, making preparations for our various utilities to get transferred to the place, setting up electricity, water, trash, gas, all …

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Day 19,829

Hello, my future grandchildren, and other possible progeny… hey, you never know how long some of this stuff might hang around the internet. Although I did notice that the Library of Congress is going to back away from archiving every single tweet in the Twitterverse. I wonder if can get them to archive mine, along …

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Day 19,828

It’s New Year’s Eve, 2017. My oldest daughter is 21 today. She seems to be enjoying herself with her friends. The traditional thing is for a person to make a New Year’s Resolution or two, and I’ve been thinking about that a little bit. Most people make the same sort of resolutions, having to do …

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Day 19,827

It’s December 30th, 2017. Tomorrow we do a couple of things around here. Of course, like everyone else in the world, we celebrate New Year’s Eve. For us, though, it is a special day, same as it has been the last twenty years, and as it will be tomorrow for the twenty first time. It’s my …

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Day 19,826

I have a temper. It’s probably not a surprise. I get it by rights. My old man had a pretty legendary temper, the kind of temper that leads to things breaking. I’m not as destructive, but I have been known to raise my voice and say some pretty mean stuff from time to time. I’m …

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Day 19,825

Lots of weirdness fluttering through my cranial unit tonight. Got some more boxes packed for the move. We’re in the middle of bubble-wrap and box purgatory. I’m not going to say bubble-wrap and box hell quite yet. We’ve got a ways to go before we get there. Something else I should let my descendants in on. …

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Day 19,824

Today has been a little bit of good, a little bit of “Bob goofed”. The day started off pretty good, slept in a little as one is want to do during breaks from going into the office. Had a good cup of coffee, some peanut butter on toast, and chilled, updated my regular things (I …

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Day 19,823

It’s the day after Christmas. Time for me to return to my usual semi-mischevious self. In today’s social media, one of the popular tools is a service called “Twitter”. A commonly used version of Twitter is a website called “Tweetdeck”. In that interface, you can modify the columns that appear based on your interests, so you …

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