Category: Uncategorized

Day 19,827

It’s December 30th, 2017. Tomorrow we do a couple of things around here. Of course, like everyone else in the world, we celebrate New Year’s Eve. For us, though, it is a special day, same as it has been the last twenty years, and as it will be tomorrow for the twenty first time. It’s my …

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Day 19,826

I have a temper. It’s probably not a surprise. I get it by rights. My old man had a pretty legendary temper, the kind of temper that leads to things breaking. I’m not as destructive, but I have been known to raise my voice and say some pretty mean stuff from time to time. I’m …

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Day 19,825

Lots of weirdness fluttering through my cranial unit tonight. Got some more boxes packed for the move. We’re in the middle of bubble-wrap and box purgatory. I’m not going to say bubble-wrap and box hell quite yet. We’ve got a ways to go before we get there. Something else I should let my descendants in on. …

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Day 19,824

Today has been a little bit of good, a little bit of “Bob goofed”. The day started off pretty good, slept in a little as one is want to do during breaks from going into the office. Had a good cup of coffee, some peanut butter on toast, and chilled, updated my regular things (I …

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Day 19,823

It’s the day after Christmas. Time for me to return to my usual semi-mischevious self. In today’s social media, one of the popular tools is a service called “Twitter”. A commonly used version of Twitter is a website called “Tweetdeck”. In that interface, you can modify the columns that appear based on your interests, so you …

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Day 19,822

It’s Christmas Day, 2017. Might be more appropriate to say Christmas evening, after all, it is 8:47 right at the moment. It has bee a wonderful day. The only thing that could have made it better would have been my wife feeling better, but she’s recovering from surgery she had last week, and she wasn’t …

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Day 19,821

It’s Christmas Eve, 2017. I’m going to take a few moments here and jot down a few notes about the events of the day. We’re just about to wrap up “It’s a Wonderful Life”. It’s one of the Lisa’s all-time favorite movies. She’s asleep in the chair… whoop! Awake. Jimmy Stewart is asking Clarence for help… …

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Day 19,820

I’m not the most “Christmass” person in my family. Don’t get me wrong. I love to see the expression on my kids’ collective faces when they open their presents on Christmas morning. I’m just not really overt about the whole thing. I seem to find myself always wanting to give more. I love my kids, and I …

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Day 19,819

OK, going to start off with a weird word. I like the sound of the word “ensorcelled”. It means, “to bewitch”. So, if you cast a spell on something it becomes ensorcelled. Sounds funny. Yeah, I know that was an odd way to start of my blog this time, but you know, you have to …

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Day 19,818

Today was my last formal work day of the year. This week I had two students for a Microsoft Azure class. I was teaching people how to use some of the offerings in a particular company’s cloud offerings, teaching them how to set up virtual machines, install services, and automate the whole shebang. I find …

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