Category: Uncategorized

Day 19.876

OK, this is going to be one of those attempts to see how quickly I can rattle off two hundred words, then hit the sack… because this old boy is tired. Dane and I spent a good portion of the day cleaning our stuff out of one of the storage units we’ve been using ever since …

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Day 19,875

OK, let’s get this thing rolling! How are you guys tonight? I really hope I’m there to hear you tell me about your day. Seriously. The time will come that I will be gone from this mortal plane, but in the meantime, I want you to know that I am all about family. (And if …

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Day 19,874

As I’ve mentioned the last couple of days, I’m trying to avoid posts or responses to posts relating to anything political. I have to tell you, right now that is an incredible challenge, and the old man is struggling with it. There have been some significant events the last couple of days, and I have …

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Day 19,873

It’s Valentine’s Day. It’s Ash Wednesday. It’s a weird combination of chocolate and seafood. I’m writing this middle-to-late afternoon here at work. Last set of labs are being executed, and I’m just kind of hanging out, thinking about stuff, and occasionally firing up my web browser to look at my propane grill options. Lisa and …

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Day 19,872

Hey, it’s Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, the day before Ash Wednesday, and, this year, the day before Valentine’s Day as well. KU played a pretty good road game against Iowa State, pulling out a win on the road. Can’t complain about that. Class is going well for me. It’s always a joy to teach a …

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Day 19,871

Today I sat at work for a little while, finishing my breakfast, and I opened up my new post page in my blog. I had it in my head that I was going to write, and get my blog done earlier in the day. Then two interesting and cool students walked into my Office 365 …

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Day 19,870

Another Sunday night, and I’m pausing to reflect on the weekend. You know what they say about best intentions. O had some high hopes for my productivity this weekend but didn’t get near as much done as I probably should have. We still have some storage units to get cleaned out, and I really hope …

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Day 19,869

Hi gang. It’s Grampa Bob again, trying to do that thing today that I’ve tried to do a few hundred times before. It has been a good day. Started off well, made breakfast for the family – corned beef hash, eggs, coffee. Lisa made some biscuits to go with breakfast, and that was great. After …

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Day 19,868

Hey kids, old fat Grampa Bob providing you with a recap of the day’s festivities. So, I wrapped up my Skype class. Out of two students I had for the week, one showed up today. The other guy had to deal with some emergency back at work. Wish he could’ve made it in today, but …

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Day 19,867

Every day I sit and ponder about writing. If I were to try and hammer out a full-length novel, what would I write about? Would I try to write a primer targeting other technical trainers about this career and how to get the most out of it? Would I go off into the nether realms …

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