Category: Uncategorized

Day 19,933

Sunday night, and I’ve been dealing with some sort of funk today that decided to take residence in my sinuses and pound on my brain with a viral sledgehammer. Lisa is down with it, too, although she thinks she’s on the tail end of it and maybe I’m on the front end. This next week …

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Day 19,932

It’s a Saturday night back here in rural Douglas County. My wife and daughter have returned safely from the conference in Atlanta, and for that, I am truly grateful. I always get a little protective when my wife and kids travel, which means their safe return means that much more. Other than that, we’ve played …

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Day 19,931

Let the bombing begin! OK, I have know idea what you kids are going to be like, or how the crazy things that are happening now are going to impact you in the coming years. Heck, if the current EPA administration, you may have become genetically modified to treat lead-tainted water. Almost two years ago, …

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Day 19,930

It’s Thursday night. I need to write, but to be frank, I’d just like to take a long shower and go to bed. Had lunch with Gracie over at Jason’s Deli. She had a sandwich, I had the taco salad. I do love the soft serve ice cream, especially with a little chocolate sauce. Oh, …

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Day 19,929

It’s been a pretty busy Wednesday here in rural Douglas County. Several of us got up very early in the morning. Lisa and Bonnie had to get to the airport early to catch a 7:00 AM flight to Atlanta. After that, I snagged a little breakfast at Big Biscuit, then it was over to Uhaul to …

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Day 19,928

It’s a Tuesday night here in rural Douglas County. Kind of funny, I listen to that in my own head and I hear Garrison Keillor’s voice. Look it up. He had a pretty good radio show that held a large audience for radio for years in an era that was dominated by television. “…and all …

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Day 19,927

Monday night here in rural Douglas County, and Lisa and I are here upstairs with the dogs. Gracie went into the campus to get a little work done, and Dane went to bed after having spent the day home with another bug bout. Seems like the bugs have been winning. I went and had my …

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Day 19,926

Hey kids, Grampa Bob here with an update on what I got done on this day, April 8, 2018. The answer is, “not much”. Seriously, though, we went to late Mass this morning and got home shortly after noon. I started rooting around the television guide for info about the Masters’ golf tournament, then, after …

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Day 19,925

Hey, future grandkids of mine, and anybody else interested enough to read my words (thanks!). It’s been a fun day. Dane and I went over to see the Spielberg-produced “Ready Player One”, based on the Ernest Cline book. I had read the book, Dane had not. Although I recognized multiple departures from the book, I …

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Day 19,924

Hey gang, old fat grampa Bob here again. I have always had an interest in the topic of fantasy worlds, from when I was very young and captivated by the silliness of the worlds created by Dr. Seuss, or later, in my teenage years when I discovered the Lord of the Rings, the Hyperborean Age …

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