Category: Uncategorized

Day 20,055

It’s Tuesday night in rural Douglas County. My beloved is getting me a bowl of ice cream, my favorite, chocolate chip. I do have a weakness for dessert, especially ice cream. On the 20th of August, we’re tackling a new weight loss program… (ok, for a moment there I mistyped the word “pogrom”… look that …

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Day 20,054

Eight o’clock on a Monday night, and I’m just kind of kicking back writing my blog, wondering if I should go out to the pool.  I sometimes like going out to the pool at night, but there won’t be any stars out tonight due to the overcast skies.  Eh… Not a whole lot of news …

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Day 20,053

O, so tonight Lisa and I are watching a CNN “History of Comedy”, and tonight’s episode is “Gone Too Soon”. It probably didn’t help that I started off the evening watching Robins William’s first appearance on the “Tonight Show” at the beginning of  “Mork and Mindy” ‘s fourth season. I was in tears remembering how Robin …

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Day 20,052

Hey everybody… not a real exciting day here in rural Douglas County. I stayed around the house for the most part, primarily due to vehicular issues. My car had a bit of a problem yesterday when we went to put on new tires. Looks like there was a problem with my brakes and calipers, and …

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Day 20,051

OK, time to get a little writing in tonight before I hang it al up and hit the sack. Grab my wife. Cuddle a bit. Get over it, it’s what married people do. Would you prefer  I write, “Went to bed… ignored my wife… didn’t want to creep out the descendants”/ So, number one, Y’all need to …

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Day 20,050

OK, I’m not going to lie to anybody. I’m sitting here completely unmotivated to write two hundred words on a Thursday night. Chiefs lost their first preseason game. I’m not happy about it, but it’s preseason and has zero effect on the regular season. I saw some things I liked, I saw some things I didn’t …

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Day 20,049

Hey guys, the old fat man here to tell you about the state of my world today. I love my kids. They have all proven that they have what it takes. There are moments, however, when you have to sit ’em down and have a talk about the state of things. Had to have one …

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Day 20,048

It’s a Tuesday night in rural Douglas County, and we’re sitting here watching some of the election returns. I really ought to think about getting to bed, but the gubernatorial contest in Kansas is pretty interesting. The current governor, Colyer, was lieutenant governor under Brownback. His opponent is a high-profile political thing in Kansas, Kris …

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Day 20,047

Well… any post that ends with a 47 ought to be weird. I may not be up to the task… Or… Heh heh heh But seriously… I hope all is well in your world tonight. Had an old high school (middle school?) friend drop me tonight. I posted earlier today about the issues that Trump …

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Day 20.046

Hey gang, old fat Grampa Bob, doing his thing on a Sunday night. We had a good day here in rural Douglas County. Simple breakfast, better lunch, and a dinner comprised of an old family favorite. A little background. Every family has the little things they do to celebrate doing a little bit better than …

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