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Author's posts

Day 20,683

OK, so I’ve been thinking about my writing absence, and, part of the reality is… I just didn’t feel like writing much. It’s kind of a depressing time in my life history, and I’m dealing with it as best I can, and sometimes that translates into being a little more selfish. I’m not in the …

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Day 20,682

Time to get this thing cranked out, right? I’ve been doing a little thinking, and at this point in time, I’m going to take another run at getting this post cranked out on a daily basis. April was not a good month for me. To be honest, it hasn’t been a good month for a …

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Day 20,681

I have had a bad month. I have not written, and even today, I’m going to take the easy way out. I’m working a lot, with classes moving to an online delivery environment. I’m actually spending more time in class now than I did when I was traveling. I am going to copy in a …

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Day 20,669

Hang on, I better get a fresh cup of coffee before I dive into this effort. OK, that’s better. Medium roast Tanzanian peaberry. OK, let’s start off with the reality of the day. Coronavirus and COVID-19 are still in play, and everyone has been asked to continue social distancing, and there is a “stay at …

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Day 20,657

It’s a Monday afternoon. Tomorrow I’ll be back in front of the Microphone, teaching for a group of folks in Iowa, doing what I do. This is my new normal, and I’m OK with that… for now. Someday, I’ll get back out on the road, but for now, virtual instructor-led training is the flavor of …

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Day 20,653

OK, so here we go. It’s been a few days since I last wrote. Bonnie and Dane have moved home. Lisa and I are working, teaching from home. The dogs seem to really like the fact that there are humans around all of the time, so , I’m going to guess, it will be a …

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Day 20,649

haven’t been writing much lately. We’ve been on lockdown most of the week, with an occasional trip into town to get food and other necessities. Here are the states for COVID 19 and the coronoavirus… WorldwideTotal Confirmed 722,289 Total Deaths 33,984 USATotal Confirmed 142,356Total Deaths 2,493 I expect that number to rise. In this generic …

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Day 20,642

Good evening everyone. It’s old fat Grampa Bob, back once again after a bit of a writing hiatus to deal with the reality of our world today. So, I’ve mentioned it a few times, and I want to bring it up again. We are in a state of isolation as we address the issue of …

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Day 20,635

Let’s have a little chat today about sources and fact checking. I’ll be the first to admit that there have been times that I have posted inaccurate information on the internet. Example – I posted a statement about the NSA deleting their group/team/task force that had the purpose of preparing the US for a pandemic. …

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Day 20,634

Hi everybody. It’s been five days since my last post. It’s been a rough few days. The coronavirus has led to an outbreak of COVID 19 around the world, and although it hasn’t affected anybody in my family, I have coworkers that have been tested positive, and at least one person n Kansas has died. …

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