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Day 20,694

Every now and then something happens that makes you wonder about a lot of things, and you start to question what to trust, when to trust, motivations behind this and that. You start to question your own judgment. I try to think things through. I make an effort to get reliable pieces of information from …

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Day 20,693

It’s Tuesday night, and I’m about as energetic as a piece of toast. Rural Douglas county is pretty quiet tonight, and I’m having a conversation with my son about his finals. Just had an interesting moment. I tried to write a sentence without looking, just seeing how well my tough typing skills are improving. Eh.. …

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Day 20,692

It’s Monday night. I taught an Azure fundamentals class today… the one-day version, and tomorrow & Wednesday, it’ll be the two day version of the same course with more hands on labs. Odie is sleeping, but he needs to get up and use the bathroom outside. Lisa has already been asleep in her recliner and …

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Day 20,691

OK, folks. It’s the 10th night of May, in the year 2020. Tomorrow morning, I’ll get up to prepare to teach an Azure Fundamentals course for an important customer. Then… I’ll get ready to do the same things over again. Today has been Mother’s Day, and I probably let my wife and mother both down. …

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Day 20,690

It’s Saturday night in rural Douglas County, and I have a puppy at my feet. I’m watching an old BBC show, and looking at ways to compare one of the characters on this show to an urban fantasy series I started listening to by (I hope I get this right) Benedict Jacka, featuring a character …

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Day 20,689

We have a new member of the family tonight, and the little guy isn’t real happy about our sleeping arrangements. He’s crying pretty hard in the crate/pen we have set up for him in our bedroom, and right now Lucy is not real happy with the little guy either, barking at him and letting him …

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Day 20,688

It’s Thursday night in rural Douglas County, and I just remembered that I need to get the trash out for pickup tomorrow morning. Can’t forget that… I have an box of trash in the sun room that I need to get out for pickup. There are some other bags I probably ought to get out …

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Day 20,687

For the life of me, I have no idea why any company, in the post-“Breaking Bad” era, would ever choose to use the song “Crystal Blue Persuasion”, by Tommy James and the Shondells, was ever a good idea. It’s a Wednesday night in rural DOuglas COunty, and Bubba has a little writing to do. Last …

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Day 20,685

It’s a Monday night in rural Douglas County, and I am weary. It has been a busy day with meetings and preparation for my class stating tomorrow. I’ve got about twenty students, and it’s an introductory administration course that I’ve had some involvement with for awhile. I’m confident of a positive delivery. I’m watching a …

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Day 20,684

Good evening, my future grandchildren, it’s old Grampa Bob talking about my day. Nothing too interesting, but that’s the way it’s going to be some days. It’s been a day. A Sunday in May of 2020, the first Sunday of the month, a week before Mother’s Day. People are still dying of the coronavirus, and …

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