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- Day 21,447 — 2 comments
Jan 24
It is Sunday night, the 24th day of January, 2021. I am very pleased to pass along that the Kansas City Chiefs have defeated the Buffalo Bills and will be facing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Superbowl on February 7th. It was a good game, and the Chiefs gave up the lead early, but …
Jan 23
It is Saturday night, January 23, 2021. Had a somewhat productive day, for a Saturday, with some work, some laundry, and a run to Kansas City to pick up a piece of furniture. The dogs are well, and the two little ones are just so darn cute. Got some steaks in the sous vide, set …
Jan 22
It is Friday night, January 22, 2021. My wife is calmly sleeping in the recliner next to mine, and my dog, Odin, is whimpering because the one toy he absolutely wants to play with more than any other toy has rolled under the couch out of his reach, and he wants me to get it …
Jan 21
It’s Thursday night, January 21, 2021. A scant 36 minutes ago, it was the 21st minute of the 21st hour of the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century. It wasn’t that exciting. And I am just fine with that. I’m resuming my personal journey of self-discovery this year, taking a more …
Jan 20
It is ten o’clock pm on this Wednesday night, January 20, 2021. We have a new president. Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President on the United States of America. Chief Justice John Roberts had President Biden swear his oath of office on the Biden family bible which was over a hundred years …
Jan 19
It’s the 19th day (night) of January, in this Year of Our Lord 2021. TOmorrow we inaugurate a new president and vice-president. I look forward to being able to say President Joe Biden. I have thought and thought about what I should write about tonight. I need to remain as objective as possible with the …
Jan 18
I have now figured out why I always had to go back and check my “Number of Days I’ve Been Alive” from time to time. I pulled a typo on yesterday’s blog post and swapped a 3 and a 4. Yesterday should’ve been Day 20, 943 and I wrote 20,934. I almost took ten days …
Jan 17
it is Sunday night, January 17, 2021. For some reason, I keep thinking today or yesterday is somebody’s birthday that I should remember, but I can’t. Just one of those things I guess. The Chiefs won their divisional playoff matchup today against the Cleveland Browns. It was a bit touch and go at the end, …
Jan 16
It’s Saturday, the 16th day of January, and I’m currently watching a little playoff football, the Bills looking to knock off the Baltimore Ravens. If the Chiefs win tomorrow versus the Browns, then the Bills would travel to a quiet Arrowhead stadium to play for the AFC Championship and a chance to go to the …
Jan 15
It’s been a week. Friday night, and Lisa Dane, and I watched a fun family comedy, “The War with Grandpa”, featuring Robert DeNiro, Uma Thurman, Rob Riggle, Christopher Walken, and Cheech Marin. It was a lot of fun. The rental lasts until Sunday. so I’ve let the girls know that the rental is in the …