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Author's posts

Day 21,045

It’s Thursday, April 29, 2021. I’ve got some allergies acting up, but I’ll live. Good morning. One of the things I do with my blog is reflect and think about what I’m doing right, and where I can stand to make some improvements. There is always room for improvement. I’m pondering making some changes to …

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Day 21,044

Hey everybody. It’s old Bob here, writing a blog entry for the first time in about six weeks. I’ve had a lot going on, but I’m thinking I ought to spend more time blogging, and maybe less time on other social media. I’m a little peeved at some old friends. For a long time, his …

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Day 21,000

Wow. It is the Ides of March, the 15th day of the month, and I have been a bit remiss in my writing. I promised myself after I started writing again that I wasn’t going to get too down on myself for skipping, but, that said, I probably should have not gone since the 9th …

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Day 20,994

It is Tuesday, March 9. I’m in a co-delivery with one of my teammates, and he’s holding down the fort discussing virtual network peering, and I’m interjecting from time to time answering questions. I need to curtail some of my social media posts. Or, maybe, I need to curtail some of my social media responses. …

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Day 20,992

It is Sunday evening, on this, the 7th day of May, and I have to tell you, some folks really kind of amaze me. A high school classmate of mine who rarely posts decided to endorse a voter suppression plot. Of course, it was under the guise of preventing illegal aliens and felons vote, but …

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Day 20,989

It is Thursday night, the 4th of March, and Kansas just eked out a win against the Miners from UTEP. It was not a fun game for the most part, with the Jayhawks down by as many as fifteen at times, but they ended up rallying and pulling this one out. My class for the …

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Day 20,985

It is Sunday night, and it has been an interesting weekend. I’ve been laid up most of the day dealing with the after-effects of another GI problem, but I am feeling much better now. The only lingering negative is the strain on my abdomen from the protracted cramps from the GI issue. Those things can …

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Day 20,982

It is a Thursday night, the 25th of February, and I am relaxing and watching sleepy puppies. We finished up our Azure class today, and I am once again reminded of the things I can do to become a more effective instructor. I learned some lessons in professionalism this week, and I am grateful for …

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Day 20,980

It is a Tuesday night in February, a warm day for this time of winter. Spring is still a month or so away. I didn’t write yesterday, as I wasn’t feeling well. Had some issues with the ol’ gastro-intestinal tract that kept me sidelined a big chunk of the day yesterday and a portion of …

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Day 20,978

It is a Sunday night, the 21st day of February, in the year 2021. I am relaxing, enjoying a cocktail before I call it a night and head off to bed, but first, a reflection on the last day or two. I did pause to check out the website to verify the number of …

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