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Mar 03
It is Thursday, March 3, 2022. Russia is still pushing hard into Ukraine, and there is no end in sight. The western powers have imposed sanctions everywhere they possibly can. One billionaire had his $600 million yacht seized by the German government. There are walkouts, and protests, and announcements everywhere you turn… but I don’t …
Mar 02
It is Wednesday, March 2, 2022. I’m in front of the camera delivering a course in about two hours, so I’m getting my start, drinking my water until the coffee is done, and then I’ll go into the sunroom and prepare for my day. Ukraine is getting worst. Putin said that he wanted to “de-nazify” …
Mar 01
It is a new day and a new month, Tuesday, March 1st, 2022. The invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces continues, Ukraine President Zelenskyy is an international hero, and Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin is an international pariah. Looks like the EU is expediting Ukraine’s application to join the European Union, and there will likely be …
Feb 28
It is the last day of February, 2/28/2022, or as the Europeans and the military write it, 28 February 2022. Right now in one corner of the world, representatives of Russia and Ukraine are discussing the state of the hostilities, and all I can do is hope for a peaceful outcome sooner rather than later. …
Feb 27
Today is the 27th of February, 2022, and it’s a pretty good day for me to just sit down and shut up. Seriously. Seems like I post an opinion on something, and it doesn’t take too long for someone to tell me that I’m wrong and why, so screw it. I’ll just keep my opinions …
Feb 26
It is Saturday, February 26, 2022. There is still war in Ukraine. I’ve seen charts on the internet marking off lost lives, lost tanks, lost aircraft, like war is some sort of sports competition and we need to keep score. Makes me wonder if scoreboards evolved from Napoleon’s butcher’s bill. Steps are being taken to …
Feb 25
It is Friday, February 25, the 21347th day of my existence on this plane. I’ve got some meetings in a bit, but right now I’m going to gather my thoughts on what’s going on in the world. Russia has invaded Ukraine, the largest mobilization of ground forces in Europe since World War II. The president …
Feb 24
It is Thursday, February 23rd, 2022, and the Russians are poring over the border of Ukraine, as a “peacekeeping force”. Ah, the old, “We need to kill some people in the name of peace” argument. It is not a good day to be a Ukrainian citizen today. I need to check on a couple of …
Feb 23
It is Wednesday, February 23, 2022. Putin is invading the “breakaway” regions of Ukraine – basically, places where Russian has financed a separatist movement and is now rolling tanks in support of those movements. The only folks Russian-state TV will show are those that are happy with the invasion when other reporters say that the …
Feb 22
It is Twosday… 02 22 2022, or if you go European reckoning, 22022022… which is a palindrome, the same forward and backward, and in this case, also upside down. That and six bucks will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. I’ve got the coffee going, and my second glass of water at the …