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- Day 21,447 — 2 comments
Apr 22
Happy Friday, everybody! It is the 22nd day of April 2022, and it is a good morning to eat that frog! (Obscure reference: Brian Tracy is a motivational speaker and author, and he wrote a book a number of years ago called, “Eat That Frog!” – the point being is that if you get up …
Apr 21
Hey folks! Not sure who is reading this, other than a couple of friends that I am quite thankful for (Hi Wayne! Hi Karla!), but I’m writing nonetheless. It is Thursday, April 21, 2022. I have completed my class for the week, and I have spent part of the day working on reports and some …
Apr 20
It is Wednesday, April 20. Oh no… thinks are going to be interesting in the public parks around Lawrence, today, I think. I don’t focus on the April 20 (4/20) pseudo-holiday for the marijuana enthusiasts. Their choice. Doesn’t bother me out here in the boonies, so go ahead, just don’t get hurt or hurt anybody. …
Apr 19
It is Tuesday night, April 19, and I’m just wrapping up my day. My training partner and I have completed two days of our cloud networking course with one day remaining, and then I get to focus on some other responsibilities for the next week and a half before I return to the blended learning …
Apr 18
It is Monday morning, the 18th of April, and I’m getting going on my day, grabbing a couple of glasses of water before I throw my toast in the toaster oven and snag a cup of coffee. I’ll descend the two steps down into the sun room and prepare for my day, backing up my …
Apr 17
Good afternoon. It is Sunday, Easter Sunday, and Lisa and I are hanging out in the living room before we all gather for an Easter dinner in another half hour or so. Thought I’d crank this out before I settled in with family. Tomorrow I’m back in the virtual classroom for three days, co-delivering with …
Apr 16
It is Saturday night, April 16, 2022, and I have to admit, that if it wasn’t for something my son said, I may have completely blown off getting my blog entry in altogether. It’s Easter weekend in the US, and I was surprised by a block move by an old high school friend. OK, Gary …
Apr 15
It is Friday, and I have been remiss in my blogging obligation. OK, it’s not an obligation, it’s a choice. I wrapped up my four-day class yesterday, and watched my next six weeks of training get turned upside down, but, I’m not going to complain. At worst, it’s a lateral time commitment. At best, it’s …
Apr 14
Good morning! It is Thursday, April 14, Holy Thursday for those in the Christian community, with Good Friday tomorrow, and Easter Sunday on Sunday… ok, you probably could’ve figured out Easter was on a Sunday without me pointing it out. Last day of my admin course today. Caught an email from one of my learners …
Apr 13
Good morning, friends! It is Wednesday, April 13, 2022. Last night we had some severe weather blow through Douglas County, but we seem none the worse for the experience, although the sun has yet to rise, so even if there is some blown trash lying about the yard, I haven’t seen it yet. The storms …