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May 03
It is Tuesday morning, May the 3rd, 2022. I’ll be kicking off my class in about another hour and a half, so I thought I’d ponder the day for a moment before I get going in earnest. Overnight there was some big news. Apparently, there has been a leak in the Supreme Court, and a …
May 02
It is a gray Monday, May 2. Thanks for opening up this post and giving it a look. I’m feeling grateful today. I think about what’s going right in my life, and I have so much to be thankful for. My health seems OK. My wife’s health seems OK. The kids are alright, and at …
May 01
It is Sunday, well, heck, it’s Sunday night, and I’m writing about as late in the evening as I’ve written in quite some time. So, the date is May 1 in the Year of Our Lord 2022. My wife and I have had a good day, with a solid breakfast to start, church online (still …
Apr 30
It is Saturday morning, April 30, and I’m going to start off with an apology. I forgot to write my blog entry yesterday. Thursday night was a nice evening with my spouse at a reception, yesterday was a flurry of frog-eating and meetings that tied me up so much that I didn’t even notice the …
Apr 28
Good afternoon, whereever and whenever you might be. I am writing this in the afternoon of April 28, 2022, and it is Thursday. The sun is out, the wind is blowing lightly, and my weather station says it is 71 degrees outside. I’ve got five sleeping dogs in the room, with soft music coming from …
Apr 27
It is Wednesday, April 27, 2022, and I’m enjoying a little more relaxed day with a few meetings, but more of an open layout on the day. I’ve already started working on some of the logistics for my delivery that starts next Monady. My training partner and I have hashed out a few things that …
Apr 26
Good morning! It is Tuesday, April 26, 2022, and I’m doing OK. The second day of my virtual on-site for work, and then I’ve got some planning to do for my next Blended Learning delivery starting next Monday. Came across a covey of idiots last night. Made the mistake of commenting on some idiot’s t-shirt …
Apr 25
Hey gang, it’s Monday, April 25, and it has been an interesting day. I’ve been in meetings today, but that didn’t keep the world from turning. One of the big pieces of news that has come out has been the purchase/buyout of Twitter by oligarch Elon Musk. He has made this move in an effort …
Apr 24
It’s Sunday, April 24, 2022. It’s been a day. We started off our Sunday as we have for the last couple of years, with breakfast and watching the Mass out of the Archdiocese of Denver. Decent production, straightforward, and to the point. After we got done with church, it was time to get to work. …
Apr 23
It is Saturday! TIme for my spouse and me to head into town to see what’s going on at the Farmer’s Market. We haven’t been this year, so this should be interesting. Might need to grab some cash, though. I’ve got mowing and planting to get done today. Lisa has asked me to mow a …