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  1. Day 22,421 — 4 comments
  2. Day 22,078 — 3 comments
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  4. Day 21,447 — 2 comments

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Day 21,424

It is Friday the 13th! The 13th day of May, 2022, and I am just trying to chill out on a Friday night and post a blog entry I forgot about. Life is good. I’m in a good place, my family is generally in a good place, so that’s our starting point. From here, we …

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Day 21,423

Good morning! It is Thursday, May 12, 2022, and I am going to get this entry cranked out before I settle in for breakfast. Yesterday I had a couple of interesting interactions. On a Facebook post by a Kansas Senator (Moran), where the Senator decided to rail against the Biden administration and inflation (as if …

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Day 21,422

It is Wednesday morning, May 11, and to my right, Odin is begging my wife for some sort of food item, as dogs are wont to do. I’m getting started on my day, as I return to my virtual classroom in about another hour for a discussion on networking in the cloud. I’m not in …

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Day 21,421

It is Tuesday night, MAy the 10th, and I’m about tired of fools tonight. One of these days I am going to learn my lesson and not avail myself of the opportunity to correct people that have their facts wrong. Just went back to check the thread, looks like one guy has called me brainwashed, …

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Day 21,420

It is 9:25 on a Monday night, the 9th day of May 2022. To my right, the sisters von floor are chomping down on these Pavlovian snack sticks that have completely captivated all of our beloved pooches. To my left, the TV is filled with a lecturer on “How Science Fiction Works” on Wondrium, right …

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Day 21,419

It is Mothers’ Day, May 8, 2022. I took a little time earlier today to make the trip to Clay Center, Kansas, to see my mom, and got the additional benefit of seeing my brother and my sister, and her family, as well as extended family member, Bryan. We had barbecue, watched a little baseball, …

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Day 21,418

It is Saturday, May 7, and it’s been a longer day. Not that there was one thing that took up the majority of the day, but just a series of activities spread out over a day that just sort of ate things up. Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and there will be travel. I haven’t seen …

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Day 21,417

It is Friday, May 6, 2022, and let’s get out a “whoop, whoop” for surviving another work week. (Well, most of a workweek… I still have to get through to 5 o’clock). Yesterday we received a quote to get Bob Ross removed from the backyard, my globe willow that split April 29 during the wind …

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Day 21,416

It is Thursday morning, the fifth day of May 2022. Today, some folks will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo, which, in the United States, is another excuse to drink beer. But my people won’t be celebrating Cinco de Mayo… my people have something more important to focus on. My people are Star Trek fans. Today, …

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Day 21,415

It is Wednesday morning, May the 4th… and May the Fourth be with you. Yeah, this day has been adopted by the Star Wars fans, and why not? Stepping away from the subtle religious nod to the Jedi, all you’re really doing is saying, “I hope the universe grants you a little grace, today”. I’ll …

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