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Jun 05
It is Sunday morning, June 5, and I’m relaxing a little bit on this drizzly morning. Lisa is getting ready to head into town to do a little shopping. I’ve got some work stuff to focus on, and maybe some gaming this afternoon with friends. Dealing with an irritating situation at the moment – my …
Jun 04
It is Saturday morning, June 6th, and I’m just sitting in the living room pondering the day, wondering how much I can get done before my body says, “Nope”. Dane has been up already, as he had to run over to his sister’s place to tend to her dogs. Lisa has breakfast just about ready …
Jun 03
It is Friday, June 3, and the last day of my workweek. I start off the day with a meeting with teammates in Atlanta and Stockholm. We’re getting things taken care of earlier rather than later. Looks like there was some drama in Washington, DC, yesterday, as legislators argued for and against a piece of …
Jun 02
It is Thursday morning, June 2, and I’m about to pour my first cup of coffee. I’ve got plenty to keep me occupied with work responsibilities today, as I prep for some additional Klaxoon materials and read up on a couple of other courses I should be tackling starting next month. I’ve got a fellow …
Jun 01
It is Wednesday, June 1. What will this new month bring? Time will tell, I guess. I’ve got plenty to keep me busy today. I have a class next week, but that won’t require a great deal of prep work… I’m pretty family with the admin course at this point. The week after that, I …
May 31
Good morning, and hello, Tuesday! It is the last day of May, 2022, and I’m just getting my day going. Looks like it’s going to be another gray rainy day here in rural Douglas County, but at least I won’t have to worry about watering the trees out in the orchard. Or anything else for …
May 30
It is Monday, May 30, Memorial Day… the day we pause and reflect, a time for us to recognize those who have given so much for the freedom and the country we live in today. Normally, we think about soldiers, and front-line folks that fought in wars… people like a 3x great grandfather of mine …
May 29
Good morning, folks. It’s a beautiful, albeit windy, Sunday in rural Douglas County. Apologies for not posting yesterday. Lisa and I started off the day going to the garden center, and the day just kind of slipped away from me from there. After my morning with Lisa, Dane and I went out for lunch. Buskerfest …
May 27
It is Friday, May 27th, and I am thankful for the last day in my work week. After a couple of meetings this morning, I’m contemplating taking Friday afternoon off and relaxing to start this Memorial Day weekend. Folks are still talking about the Uvalde shooting, and how it was handled, and possibly mishandled. I’m …
May 26
Good morning. It is Thursday, May 26, and I made the mistake of visiting the comments sections again. It’s amazing to me how some folks want to steer a conversation in a particular direction to justify that person’s feelings towards another group of people. People can suck sometimes. Last night I replied to a post …