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Jul 06
It is Wednesday afternoon, July 6, 2022. I want to make something very clear to anybody reading this. I think Joe Biden is not perfect. I think he is flawed, and I think he has made mistakes. I still think he was a better choice than Trump, and I’m not going to change that opinion. …
Jul 05
Good morning! Today is July 5th. Yesterday I think I forgot to post, but that’s ok, I get to take a break every now and then. It was noisy in my little corner of Douglas County yesterday. Neighbors decided it was a good day for target shooting, and we live out in the country, so …
Jul 03
It is Sunday evening, July 3, 2022. It’s a little later than I usually write, but it is a three-day holiday weekend, and that’s going to be my excuse as long as I can use it. So, my excuse until Tuesday It was kind of a funny moment this evening. Lisa is acting like she’s …
Jul 02
It is a rainy Saturday, the 2nd day of July. Looks like it is going to rain all day so no real need to worry about the mowing. Might be a good day to daydream and work on my clothing situation a bit. I am happy to have some time away from the classroom. I …
Jul 01
Good evening, or late afternoon. It is New Year’s Day. Well, new fiscal year anyway. And the dogs can’t shut up. Geez… it’s getting loud in here. OK, a few of them just went outside, so now I can hear myself think. It’s been a pretty casual day. Had some meetings earlier in the day. …
Jun 30
It is Thursday, June 30th. For folks that work where I work, it is the last day of the fiscal year. I’ll go back through and double check my emails to make sure I’ve got my ducks in a row, but I’m fairly certain I’m in good shape with my required paperwork. Tomorrow is a …
Jun 29
It is the 29th day of June, the day before the last day of the company’s fiscal year (for me, anyway). Class today, class tomorrow, then a little break from the classroom. Yesterday was an interesting day in the US Capitol, as a young lady who served as an aide to Trump’s Chief of Staff …
Jun 28
It is Tuesday morning, June 28. I’ll be starting the second day of my solutions architecture class in a couple of hours, but I’ve got a little time to get my mind in the right place prior to the start of my training day. Yesterday afternoon something struck me while I was thinking about the …
Jun 27
It is Monday morning, June 26, 2022. Today I start my last class of the year, another cloud solutions architecture course, and it runs on east coast time, so I’ll be heading into the sunroom here in about 50 minutes after I grab a little breakfast and a lot of coffee. My daughter took off …
Jun 26
It is Sunday evening, June 26, 2022. I originally started this blog to pass along my feelings, my interpretation of the day’s events. My hope is to chronicle a completely subjective interpretation of the day’s events to pass along to my grandchildren if I ever have any. I want my kids and grandkids to be …