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Aug 01
It is Monday morning, 1 August 2022. Vacation is over, dogs are barking, and I have a new class starting tomorrow. Today I will get my ducks in a row, have a couple of meetings with other trainers and managers, and get my focus dialed in for a good delivery. Getting up at 5:30 in …
Jul 31
It is Sunday morning, 31 July 2022. I am awake, I have a cup of coffee, and I’m going to pound out the last blog entry of my vacation. I received my second booster on Friday. Yesterday I didn’t get much done, and to be honest, I don’t know whether my lack of motivation was …
Jul 29
It is Friday, 29 July 2022. Last vacation day of the work week. I still have tomorrow and Sunday to kick back a little bit before I resume the regular work days on Monday. I’ll be starting a Blended Learning class that will keep me occupied through the end of August. September looks pretty manageable …
Jul 28
Oooh… one of those nice round number days. Today is 28 July 2022, a Thursday morning, and the end of my work break is in sight. Monday morning I’ll be back in meetings, in preparation for my 4-week delivery of a solutions architect course with a great peer instructor. I forgot to write yesterday, but …
Jul 26
Good afternoon! It is 26 July 2022, a Tuesday afternoon at this point with moderate temperatures and some solid cloud cover, but no rain in the immediate forecast. Now watch… right after I type that, the sky will open up and drop buckets on us here in Douglas County. It’s a good day. I got …
Jul 25
It is Monday morning, 25 July 2022. I have laundry going, a fresh pot of coffee, and an empty bowl next to me that used to contain a couple of scrambled eggs topped with cheese and leftover chili. I am being semi-productive at a moment I don’t really need to be productive, so I’ll call …
Jul 24
Sunday morning, 24 July 2022. I was thinking about how you never see a group of professors criticizing the way semi-tractor trailer drivers drive. Most of the professors I know, and I know a few through my wife (who is a professor) have an awareness of expertise – a self-awareness as well as a situational …
Jul 23
23 July 2022. Today is my youngest daughter’s 24th birthday. Last night the family went out for dinner at one of her favorite restaurants and enjoyed a very nice evening. I am currently on vacation until a week from Monday. Lisa and I are talking about what needs to be accomplished – the list will …
Jul 22
22 July 2022. It is Friday morning. The trash has been taken out to the road, and meetings start in an hour and a half, plenty there to keep me busy through 2 o’clock… then Bubba gets to take some time to close out the business on the table and prepare for Gracie’s birthday celebration …
Jul 21
Good morning! It is 21 July 2022, a Thursday morning, the sun is rising, and the coffee is brewing. Yesterday I planned on having a good day. Some parts went pretty well, I think my delivery was generally positive, but at some point right after lunch, I came to a realization. I need to get …